Needles. Finnick. Burning. Peeta. Screams. Prim. Blood. Katniss. Fire. Gale. Death.

I stumbled backwards, clutching the sides of my face while Johanna smirked at my pain. "There you go Princess." She muttered. "You need to stop blocking this out or you'll become as crazy as Annie."

"Annie." I whispered. Why did that name ring a bell? Suddenly a door was opened on the other side of this rather large room and several people were dragging several, unconscious people in. More overhead lights flicked on, revealing dozens of cages similar to my own. To my dismay, many of them were filled.

A lot of the people in them we're staring blankly, vaguely. Others were silently screaming, they must have a second, invisible layer covering their cages so we don't hear them. A lot of them still looked pissed off and fully functional while the rest were scared, huddled bodies and shells of their former selves.

They were Peacekeepers. The ones dragging the unconscious men and women in. A women with bright orange hair was tossed into the cage next to me and a man in the one across from me. The other Peacekeepers drifted off to other cells.

"Annie." I repeated. This was Annie. The girl in the cage next to mine. She was Finnick's lover.

"Is she out of it again?" The man in the cage beside me. I glared at him but he seemed to be talking to Johanna who had her face pressed against the bars, fists clenched tightly around the metal.

"Yeah. She's out of it." Johanna muttered pushing away from the cage and sitting back down in the middle again.

"I'm right here." I grumbled.

"But not really." The man spoke up again. When I looked over at him, he was staring at me this time. "I think part of you dies every time they put you under."

"Under."  I murmured. Memories flashed in front of my eyes of the arena and needles being pressed into my arms. I looked down by elbow and found small puncture wounds dotting my skin. I shivered and wrapped my arms around myself, sitting down. "What are they doing to us Mack?" The man laughed.

"Glad you remember my name for once but we've gone over this before Catora. It's torture, pure and simple." I shuddered, scared.

"I don't want to die. Not here. Not like this."

"The truth of the matter is though that we are going to die, one way or another. You think the Capitol is just going to let us walk out of here?" Johanna demanded.

"No but they can't.. They can't do this to us!" I exclaimed.

"They will and they have. We've been here a month Catora, get over yourself." I swallowed the bile in my mouth. A month. I didn't want to believe it, I couldn't. Unable to hold it back, I threw up through the bars of my cell. 

"Oh that's attractive." Johanna muttered. I couldn't come up with some sarcastic remark. My whole body shook and shuddered with the weight of everything. 

"You okay Catroa?" A soft voice asked. 

"Annie." I whispered wiping my mouth and turning towards her.

"You do that a lot now. I'm worried about you." She whispered. I gave her a weak smile as i cleared my throat. Johanna sighed and looked like she wanted to bang her head against the bars of her cell.

"Please, she's just a big baby. A big Capitol baby. She gets al the best food and ends up throwing it up." Johanna muttered glaring at me.

"She gives most of the food to us Johanna." Mack said harshly. I had a feeling I liked Mack more than I could remember. He must be on my side against her, not that I was against her in here. I don't think I could be enemies with her in here. This seemed like a stick together kind of situation. 

"Why can't I remember anything?" I murmured.

"Because they're altering you're brain Catora. Your life is going to come back in bits and pieces. You have to try to remember what's real and what's not." Annie said slowly, softly. I was beginning to wonder who had the condition here, me or Annie. She never was okay after her Games but it sounded like she was more sane than I was right now. 

"What do you mean? Altering my brain how?"

"They're trying to change your memories of lover boy Catora." Johanna said with a groan like she was sick of telling this to me, probably because this had happened a few times. "What do you remember about Peeta?"

"Peeta?" I remembered his hair, his beautiful blond hair, almost like spun straw and the curve in his smile and he way his blue eyes looked in the dead of night. I remembered how we used to stay up late together, him drawing, me watching.  He was the love of my life. Is the love of my life. 

"Peeta, I love him. He.. He's everything to me." I whispered.

"Good, that's real. What do you remember about the Games?" Mack encouraged. The Games? Which one? Where did I start?

"Horrible. Death. Blood. Peeta was there through all of it. We experienced it together. He saved me. We saved each other."

"Good, that's real." Mack said with a smile.

"For now." Johanna muttered. She scooted closer to the bars of her cage and glared at me a little gripping the metal between her fists. "I give her two weeks tops. Soon she's going to wish bread boy was dead."

A/N: In Blaze, I said they were in glass tubes, sort of like the ones that pushed them into the arena but now it's just going to be cages, they'll be easier and less complicated to talk about. Thank you for reading!

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