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One Year Later

"Come on Peeta or we're going to be late." I said, dragging Peeta off the train, Maxim in my arms.

"Momma, momma." Maxim said, trying to get my attention. Peeta and I paused in the street as our son tugged at my braid. "Where are we?"

"The Capitol son." Peeta replied, ruffling his blonde hair. I frowned, I had to work really hard for his hair to look perfect and Peeta had messed it up by touching it, he shrugged sheepishly, tugging at his golden colored tie. "I hate that we have to dress up like this." He muttered.

"I kind of miss it.." I paused. "But I wouldn't want to do anything fancier than this." Effie had sent us our outfits. Matching, again. There was even a tiny suit for Maxim which he was wearing now, minus the bow tie which he kept uncoiling to play with. My dress was gold and frilled out at the bottom, reminding me a little of the dress I wore after Peeta and I won the Hunger Games. His suit is all black with gold trimming. I don't know if Effie did this because of my Mockingjay pin or if it was too match Peeta and Maxim's golden hair.

"Well, come on then." Peeta sighed as he placed his hand on the small of my back. "We have to be at the opening." The art gallery Paylor had created was going to feature a lot of Peeta's handiwork. He gave them a lot of the more violent pieces, just to keep them out of the house and away from Maxim but those weren't going to be on display. Paylor agreed that nobody had to see those pieces of art.

Most of Peeta's paintings and drawings revolved around the arenas and the tributes and as the games ended and the war began, there would be some familiar faces of people that I hadn't seen since their death. The memories would be painful, and I almost didn't want to go but Katniss and Gale would be in attendance as well as Finnick and Annie and despite promises to visit each other, this would be the first time I would see them since Maxim was born.

"Ah, Catora, Peeta come in." The man at the door said as we walked up the stairs to the art gallery. I thanked him as he held the door open for is.

"Momma, down, down." Maxim asked, squirming in my arms. I put him on the ground gently, noting the scuff he already had on his brand new shoes. Maxim walked over and took Peeta's other hand and he smiled. I squeezed Peeta's hand.

"Catora." Glancing up, I found a familiar group of people coming our way.

"Annie." I breathed out, before rushing over and embracing her. Annie started sniffling, hugging me back tightly. "Don't cry Annie, don't cry."

"I've missed you." She replied as we let go. I moved towards Finnick with a smile. He was holding an adorable little boy with beautiful eyes.

"Maxim come here." I said as Peeta went to hug Katniss. Picking him up, I lifted him towards their son.

"Daddy.." The boy whispered tugging on Finnick's hair. He looked intimidated by Maxim's presence. Finnick laughed.

"Jake this is Maxim and that's his mom Catora. She's a good friend of your mom and I." Maxim hadn't said anything and seemed to be looking this new boy over as Finnick leaned down and kissed my cheek. "He's beautiful Catora. Looks just like Peeta."

"And I thought having one Peeta around would be bad." Katniss said, coming towards us as Gale and Peeta struck up a conversation. "Hey little man." Katniss said, smiling up at Maxim.

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