District 4 Lovers

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I guess I can't really be mad at Finnick and Annie for being happy but a wedding seems super inappropriate at the moment. Regardless, the ceremony was beautiful. Finnick was the happiest I have ever seen him.

There is only one man in the whole of District 13 who knows of District 4's wedding ceremony and practices, because he himself escaped from District 4 not too long ago. He's kind of an eccentric man and I know Finnick was anxious about him presiding over the wedding but since neither Finnick nor Annie knew what pertained to a District 4 wedding, they complied to let him run the show. A District 13 wedding isn't as fun. They're actually kind of boring and plain. This place is too militarized and strict. Everyone has a schedule and weddings take up too much time. If you want to get married, it's a private affair between the couple and the person who binds the two of them. There's no flowers food or dancing. That's not what Annie wanted and Finnick wanted to make her happy.

The wedding was going to be filmed. It wouldn't be propaganda since this was a real event. It was supposed to get people excited, make people feel good. It was supposed to show that something good could happen despite everything going on. I guess that was fine. I really didn't care since it wasn't my wedding... I just wished Catora could see it. It would make her so happy.


"Dance with me Peeta, please." Katniss said taking my hand. She was dressed in District 13 wear, dark grays that complimented her eyes and trimmed in black. The grays dulled out my eyes, my hair, I always looked sad wearing this clothing. I wish there was some originality.

"I don't dance." I murmured. Katniss sighs.

"I'm sorry I'm not Catora. I know you'd rather dance with her but.. Humor me at least, please?" She said lightly. I didn't look at her because she was beginning to convince me.

"Shouldn't you be bothering Gale about dancing?" I asked she gestured to the dance floor where Gale had Prim in hand, spinning her around.

"Please Peeta. One dance." I sighed. "And you have to congratulate Finnick and Annie, you haven't done that yet."

"One dance." I said, standing stiffly. Katniss smiled, it seemed genuine. Pulling me to the dance floor she quickly explained the dance to me and we joined Prim and Gale. Gale nodded at me as the music continued and we spun around and around. Katniss and I joined back together and danced for a minute or so before she agreed to let me go.

"Go find Finnick." She said, turning to Gale and prim. I nodded my head and ducked out of the crowd of dancers. Finding the lovebirds was easy, they weren't hard to spot. Annie was the only women on the floor with red hair and her and Finnick were both dressed in white.

"Finnick!" I called out. Turning, he smiled at me and placed a hand on my shoulder as I got closer. "Congratulations." I stuck out my hand and he shook it eagerly.

"Thank you Peeta, that means a lot." He smiled at me and pulled Annie closer to him.

"We haven't officially met, hello Peeta." Annie says shyly taking my hand after Finnick lets go of it.

"Congratulations." I repeat.

"Have you been to see Catora at all?"

"Everyday." I say, clearing my throat.

"Sometimes they let me talk to her." Annie pauses. "They say she's even nuttier than I am now but.. Inside she's still the same I know it." I don't reply and she's not looking at me anyways. She's staring at our shoes. "She's remembering things. She's confused. It will take a while until she's herself again but.. Don't give up hope."

HijackedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora