One Terrible Day

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Catora and Katniss are walking next to each other just ahead of Gale and I. She's not wearing her handcuffs because it restricts her mobility but I'm anxious staring at her back. Catora's hair isn't braided but if it was, I wouldn't be able to tell her apart from Katniss. I eye Caotra's quiver of arrows anxiously.

"She seems fine." Gale said next to me.

"She looked fine before she attacked me."

"Then why didn't you tell her to leave. You had the option." I didn't want to tell him my answer because it was selfish. I just wanted her near me. If anyone could keep her safe, keep her sane, it was me.

"She's not going to remember her, me or anything we ever did together back at that hospital. It's better if she's with me. I can keep her grounded, we all can."

"I hope you're right because if you're not.. You're putting us all in danger." He was talking about Catora like she was a ticking time bomb, which she kind of was but he didn't have to sound so cruel when he was saying it.

"Pods up ahead!" Boggs called out, pointing towards a circle of buildings.

"Come on Peeta." Cressida shouted. I moved a little faster, passing Catora and Katniss.

"Pods?" Catora whispered to Katniss who began to fill her in.

"Straight through here." Boggs said, pointing down the open corridor. It led into a square of sorts with archways and steps with grass. It sort of looked like a mini park, where kids might play. Did people live in these buildings before then?

"Ready when you are Peeta." I nodded and shot an arrow out, immediately, large columns of flames engulfed the entire area. I moved backwards quickly before the heat could scorch off my eyebrows or my hair could catch fire. Catora was staring at it in amazement. Everyone else looked pretty stunned too. When the walls were blackened, the flames stopped pouring out, like it had run out of juice.

"Should be fine to pass through now." Boggs said slowly, stepping into it. "There's another, bigger Pod up ahead." I nodded my head and breathed in slowly, following him in. Our team flanked us cautiously. Glancing back at Catora I bit my lip and turned around. We shouldn't bring her in here, I almost wanted to tell them not to but Boggs had stopped walking. "It's right about.." He took a step forward and the ground blew up in our faces.

The ringing in my ears wouldn't stop and I struggled to my feet as I heard the muffled shouts of my teammates. I struggled to sit up as I looked over at Boggs. His legs were gone. "Boggs!" I exclaimed. He was staring down at his leg less body and breathing heavily. The Holo was clenched tight in his hands. He starts to speak but they're not words I expect.

"Unfit for command. Transfer of prime security clearance to Squad Four-Five-One Soldier Peeta Mellark." He holds out the Holo to me. "Say.. Your name." He's struggling to breathe.

"I.. Uh.. Peeta Mellark." I repeat. The Holo dings as if something is done baking and then Boggs shoves the device into my hands.

"Don't trust them. Any of them." He whispers. I'm confused now. What's happening?

"What? Boggs?"

"Coin only sent her so she can try to kill you." Catora? "If you have to, kill her." Kill Catora. I could never do that. "Do what you came to do and..." He breathes in sharply. "Kill... Snow." Those are his final words.

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