Part of the Plan

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Jolting up, I realize I've fallen asleep on the airship. I rub my eyes listening to the grinding of gears. It feels like we've landed. That's good. I don't think I was on here for more than twelve hours or so. My stomach growls. Food, that's right. At least I don't feel the need to go to the bathroom. As the plane beings to cool down, the bay doors open and I stand up, shielding my eyes from the blinding light.

Nobody has come to unload the aircraft yet and there's plenty of people walking around. I plan to just join the crowd and find someone in charge and ask them to put me in a squad. I don't want to lead one. I just want to be part of one. Breathing out, I step off the hovercraft. Nobody pays attention to me at first, they're all busy doing their jobs but as I exit the hanger and move towards the men gathered around tents and tables, guns strapped to their backs or in their hands, I begin to turn heads.

Swallowing hard, I continue walking forward. As I walk deeper into camp though, the noise and ruckus of life begins to calm down and I know I've fully been spotted. Men and women look at me incredulously as if they think I'm some sort of trick. The first person to approach me is a women who can't be more than twenty-five. "Peeta Mellark."

"Hi." I say not knowing how else to greet her.

"What the hell are you doing here?" More people are huddling in. They want to hear what I have to say,

"I'm here to fight with you guys."

"What about Catora?" A man calls out.

"She's still weak and carrying a baby. I don't want her out here." I reply, shaking my head.

"But you could die." The women says, calling my attention back to her.

"So could all of you." She says nothing. "It's not fair of me to sit in District 13 while you all lay down your lives for this cause. I'm done being a spokesperson. I want to be a soldier." There's clapping and grunts of agreement. "Take me to someone in charge please?" I tell the women. She nods and motions for me to follow her. As we move through the crowd, people clap me on the back of squeeze my arm, I nod to all of them and try to smile but can't bring myself to.


"What in gods name are you doing here?" Boggs demanded as soon as he saw me. He looked angry, seriously pissed off. He stormed towards me in an intimidating way that made the women who brought me cower a little.

"What does it look like?" I asked. "I'm here to join you guys." Boggs just glares at me.

"Everyone get the hell out of here." His voice resonates through the tent and everyone's drops what they're doing and leaves." As the hustle out, I know I'm about to get into a yelling match.

"You can't make me leave." I say as the last soldier exits the tent.

"To hell I can't. You're not supposed to be here Peeta." He hissed. "I've just gotten word from President Coin that you and Johanna concocted a plan to get you aboard that supply plane you came on and nobody knows what the hell you were trying to do because Johanna wasn't talking." I shrugged.

"Not my problem."

"She nearly blew up District 13 with her stunt. She's in the detention center." He retorted. I frowned.

"Tell the President to release Johanna. She was only helping me. I don't even know why she did it." Boggs shakes his head at me.

"I don't have that kind of pull Peeta."

"Then let me talk to her because I do." I snapped at him.

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