What A Girl Wants

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Spring Break! A time to let loose and enjoy being away from the drama and school work for an entire week. I was looking forward to it. This school year has been one for the books. So much has happened. Too much actually.

All I wanted to do was spend time with my Boys and Sawyer. With the addition of Chloe, and maybe Izzy and Dany cause they are just too hilarious together.

It was Friday and school was now over, there was nothing to stand between me and the epic nap that awaits me.

I walked through the front door of my house and Levi was already there carrying a huge duffel bag down the stairs.

"Please tell me that's not a body."I joked.

"Not this time. I ran out of hiding places." He threw the bag on the floor. It hit the ground with a loud noise.

I was curious though. "Where are you going for real?"

His eyebrows furrowed together. "Mom didn't tell you?"

"Tell me what?" I asked rather suspiciously.

"She approved our Spring Break trip."

There was a spring break trip? "What Spring Break trip?"

"The one to PCB"

Is that a virus?

"Is that a group I should be aware of?" I went with the least morbid option.

"Oh yeah I forgot." He playfully smacked his head. "Out of the states for six years. No it stands for Panama City Beach."

I hope that's code for a hostel here in the city I didn't know about cause this girl misses Bob. "In Florida?"

"That's the one."

Crap! So no Bob then.

My brain was still trying to catch up on the conversation. "Wait! You said our trip?"

"Yeah, you, me, Colson, Sawyer, Daniel, and Isabelle. How do you not know about this?"

I'm asking myself the same question. Although I haven't been listening too well as of late. I tend to zone out when work is involved.

"Why do I have to go?"

"Because I can't go if you don't."

Well that's just sneaky. Our Mom knows that as long as I'm around no one will at least get killed. Nora and the Harpers knew exactly what they were doing. Well played.

Levi looked at me as if he could read my mind. "You want to argue about this don't you?"

I smiled. "Would it do any good?"


"Then no. I'll go pack a bag." I stomped my feet up the stairs like a child who had just been put in time out.

I looked at my bed. "It was supposed to be just you and me tonight. I'm so sorry old friend."

"LIV! STOP TALKING TO YOUR BED AND GET PACKING!" Levi yelled from downstairs.

How did he know?


The plane ride was excruciating. I hate plane rides. I'm horrible when it comes to motion sickness. Back seat of a car, plane rides, train rides, boat rides, you name it.

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