pretty (tree bros drabble)

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i think he's pretty.

i think a lot of things are pretty. like flowers and old statues.

but i also think other things are pretty. like spikes and crows on people's shoulders.

i don't know why i find those things pretty but i know why i find him pretty.

his hair looks nice. so do his eyes. i like the way he dresses. the blue striped shirt is his own style that i haven't seen replicated.

he's doesn't talk much but when he does it's pretty. i like his voice.

it's very pretty.

i wish i could bottle it. that might help me get rid of the bad thoughts.

they aren't pretty.

sometimes they have zoe in them. other times they have larry or cynthia. sometimes they have no one and it's just me.

those are the worst ones.

those ones are usually about me overdosing or jumping from a great height or giving up and just fading away.

those thoughts aren't pretty.

i wish my thoughts were always pretty.

like him.

i think he's pretty.

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