out of town (tree bros)

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Title: out of town
Ship: evan hansen x connor murphy
Storyline: connor's family are out of town and evan goes to connor's and things get frisky
Additional Info: virgin baby evan, sweet amazing connor, oral sex, fingering
Word Count: 1883


Evan's POV

i raced across the street, connor's house in view and praying that i got there before his family got back from the mall. i tripped up on the step, glad to have caught myself on the slight dip in the door. i panted, knocking three times before standing up and leaning my hands on my knees.

the door was pulled open and there stood connor. his phone was on his shoulder with his head leaning on it, hair up in a messy bun, a loose, black hoodie thrown over him as well as a pair of sweatpants and a bottle of black nail polish in his hand with a clear label on it:


i snickered at his blatant disregard for the rules set specifically in. he waved me in with his free hand. i stepped into the all too familiar home, shutting the door behind me and following connor back to his room.

"cynthia. evan is right here, he just got back from the restroom. you don't have to come home early. i- cynthia! i'm not gonna get fucking high while evan is here!" he growled, "evan, take the phone. my nails are still wet."

i reached over to remove the phone from the crook of his neck, accidentally pulling some of his stray hairs and making him wince. i mouthed a sorry before placing the device by my ear and hearing the scuffling movements and quiet mumbling of the murphy family.

"hell- hello? mrs.- mrs. murphy?" i quivered.

"ah! evan! i told you to call me cynthia!" she laughed.

"sorry- i'm sorry."

connor leant back on his wall, a comforting look in his eyes. i climbed onto the bed, curling into his arms. i settled with him wrapped around me.

"it's fine, evan. anyway, since you're there, we are going to be coming back just tomorrow, is that alright?"

connor stroked my hair lightly, soothing my tense state. melted into his touch.

"that's- that's fine. mrs- mrs. murphy."

"okay, evan. goodnight to both you and connor," her sweet voice rang. i returned her goodbye and hung up throwing connor's phone down onto the bed.

i lifted my head up to give him a peck on the lips. he stayed still for a moment before returning it and pulling back to stare into my eyes. the cheeky glint sparkled within them made my heart skip a beat.

he leant back in, capturing my mouth with his own. i followed his movements, fumbling around with where to put my hands. he took one of my hands in his and placed it around his neck, i mirrored the movement with my other hand.

our teeth met each other's at random intervals but we continued through. he turned us around, pushing me down onto my back. he let his hands travel up my shirt, scratching along my stomach and leaving marks along it.

i moaned out at the harsh feeling, sending a blow of hot air into his mouth. he smirked against my lips, his hands going even further up my torso to latch onto my nipples and tweak them. i pushed his face from mine to turn my head to the side and breathe heavily, trying to catch my breath.

connor pinched harder, making my eyes squeeze tightly shut. i tried to push him back again, my weak arms doing barely anything to counter his actions.

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