Chapter 12

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The tension in the room only lasts a few seconds before a blur of yellow and red fills your vision and you are hit with a weight at great speed.
You let out a small 'oof' sound as your mind attempts to understand what the hell just happened. That is, until you hear the long awaited sobs, wet, salty tears covering your stitched skin.
Your mind catches up with the time, and you find your motherly instincts kicking in, wrapping your long arms protectively around Charlie, gently rocking her soothingly. She is quickly taken under your body's natural subduing sent.
Lavender fills her sences almost overbearingly, lulling her mind into a sense of hazy smoothness. The warmth your body emits is not overbearing, nor is it to little, just enough to ease the body. Long, thin yet sturdy limbs act as a cover, consealing, protecting, making her feel hidden.
"What the hells going on up here, I heard a cra-"
Angel dust nearly freezes in suprise, eyes wide and jaw slack. He is quick to shake himself out of it however, striding over at a slightly sped up pace.
"You look like shit"
You let out a huff of air through your gils, the frills drifting at the action.
Crouching infrount of you, the spider checks you over carefully, cringing at the severity of the wounds, number of stitches, and missing chunks of flesh and even bone.
Your thin pupil followed each of his movements, watching as he seemed lost as to what he should do, awkwardly patting and rubbing Charlie's back, attempting to end her sniffles.
You sat in silence as always, holding Charlie and the child close as you realished in the love. Your heart was beating strongly, yet slowly in your chest, a slightly uneven and crooked, yet soothing pace.


You are currently sat on an old chair, tail curled snugly beneath you, staring out the window. Wrapped in your tail is Nifty, fresh from a shower and in pajamas, hair slightly damp but drying in the warmth of the fire.
It is a very slow, lazy day. Everyone is just relaxing or watching the acid rain outside, even the sack of venison.
You deeply enjoyed these days, days that you could feel your body slump around, despite being wrapped in bandages.
Taking the brush in your claws, to the best of your ability with not having thumbs, you lovingly run the brush through Nifty's hair.
The small child found herself slowly dozing off, chin rested on your tail while arms hung over the sides. You only continued the action, lolling the child to sleep.
Once Nifty was asleep, you set the brush down and got comfy in your nest of blankets and pillows, your bone muzzle hanging off the side a bit as you continued to watch the rain.
You never thought it could rain in hell, though it made more sense that it was acid rain it still caught your fancy.
It didnt take long for you to hear the clacking of heels and for the spider in drag to sit next to you, on the couch. He streatched out a bit, taking one of your many blankets without you bothering to say a word about it, you could share.
He wraps himself burrito style, sipping from a cup of what seemed to be hot chocolate, eating from a bag of marshmallows. He looked just as content and out of it as you were.
If you listened closely, you could even hear the even snores of Husk, sleeping on the bar, booze in his hand yet long forgotten with sleep.
Your rainbow eye slowly starts to diminish in light, getting duller and duller as you drift off, only to brighten up again at the clacking of old shoes and the smell of venison and blood.
Alastor glances over at AngelDust, his forever smile seeming a bit lazy today, before resuming his little stroll twards you.
You turn your head twards him wearily, pupil tracking his every movement as your motherly instinct kicks in a bit. You curl around Nifty a bit more when he steps to close, watching as he stops there.
His voice is low and smooth as he speeks, accent deep and static low with comfort.
"I can take her off your claws, It's about time for her to go to bed anyway"
Your body sooths down despite you, your motherly hormones seeming now unbothered by the demon before you.
With a small puff through your gills, you uncurl yourself from Nifty, taking great care to not wake her as you lift her us in your claws, passing her to Alastor.  His fingure tips brush your claws breathy, sending a small shiver down your spine at the feeling of the claw like nails. The touch does not last long as he takes a step back, situating Nifty to lay in the same way you would hold a baby.
His eyes twitch upward to meet yours for only a few seconds before he turns and walks of to take Nifty to your room.

You weren't so sure about that one.

(Word count- 859)


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