Chapter 9

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You could feel the oils and essence of each drunk that touched you, seeming deep into your skin. Something that couldn't even be washed away with holy water. You have to rid of it.
You slunk through the door of the hotel, ignoring the stares and grunt from husk. They would know soon, you could hear the television in the other room, playing the news.
Your eyesockets held no color, just blank blackness, much diffrent from the deep red they held not much long ago.
You passed the red colored demon, paying no mjnd to his stiff posture and slightly boisterous smirk. His eyes were lidded in sadistic contentness, only worsening your mood.
He knows. You could feel it deep within yourself.
You reached your room, closing and locking the door behind you, making your way to the bathroom, stripping yourself of the wrapping around your mid.
Slipping into the shower and turning on the water, turning it as hot as you can get it. After a few second of it warming up, you let out a sigh of relief as the liquid hit your back, calming you immediately.
However your calmness was short lived, as you could feel the oils prickling at your skin, taunting you.
Unable to help yourself any longer, you bring your hands up to your upper arms, digging the nails deep into your flesh.
It took a second for the pain to kick in, but once it did it racked your whole being, shaking your spine and making your nonexcistant guts turn in their respective places.
Slowly dragging your claws down, large chunks of skin followed, ripping from their spots with a wet scrapping sound.
Black, inky tears poured from your eyesockets as you let out a relief filled, yet painful sob. You grimaced at the sound of the chunk of meaty skin slapping to the wet tile, blood pouring from your wounds.
You only let out a grunt as you felt relief from the oily feeling, only for it to come back, seeming into the scales of your tail.
You were quick to continue your self mutilation, ripping into your beautiful scales, chunks of bloody meat hitting the walls and glass door of the shower.
You were a shaking, painful mess, the hot water stinging almost unbearably on your bloody wounds.
But oh how you loved the cleansing feeling of being rid of the essence left by the sinners who darred touch you. It felt oh so good, the sounds, the smells, the feeling.
You soon hit bone, ignoring it as you continued to skin yourself, breaking your arms down and backwards, dragging yours claws from your shoulders to your lower back, and down the bacm of your tail.
You sobs turned to painful lauphter and heaving, pupil dilating, spikes protruding, tail flailing.
It all felt so surreal, so wrong, but so right.
Your clawed hands reached up, grabbing ahold of your horns and snapping your neck this way and that, completely abliterating the uper have of your spine. Your bones crunched with each movement as they were slowly ground to small, sharp shards, that of which stabbed your skin from the inside, ripping up your wind pipe.
Your breath grew more ragged as your own inky blood began to fill your lungs, drowning you from deep within.
That did not stop your cleansing however, as you thrust a clawed hand into the hole in your stomach, grabbing at your ribs and snapping them each with a rouph tug, your other arm holding your head up.
Your bent yourself backward, snapping your spine in several places, rendering you a chunk of meat on the ground, bones protruding from your ripped up, bloodied flesh.
In a final attempt at relieving  yourself, your grabed your skull by your ram horns, bashing your head into the touph tile.
The bathroom was filled with the satisfying sound of your skull cracking and weaker peices breaking off, clattering to the floor.
You only stopped when your body finally gave out, flowing down into its own blood and flesh, not even a breath left in the blood filled lungs.


I decided to make this extra gruesome chapter to celebrate instead of doing my English homework :3.
But hey, sleep is for the weak... hahaha.. i sleep 18 hours a day.. 0_0

Anyways, i hope you enjoyed this chapter! If you wish to make fanart, feel free to make it, @ me or message me and I will add it to a chapter!

(Word count- 763)


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