Chapter 10

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A small blur of red ran around at almost lightning speed, a feather duster, comically bigger than the small ball of sunshine, in her hands.
She had spent the last few hours after waking up, cleaning, a sewing needle, only a bit shorter than her, at her side, killing any small bugs she came across.
She treasured the needle, after all, you were the one that had given it to her. She saw you as a mother, despite knowing you had no actual gender, but that didn't matter to her, she loved you anyway.
"Make. Me. Love myself, so that I might love you~ Dont make me a lier, cause when I said it I though it was true~"
Her voice, despite being high, was almost like honey when she sang. It helped her when she worked, especially at times like this, scrubbing blood from the floor boards.
She giggled at the thought of what happened. They should have known not to mess with the radio demon.
She finishes scrubbing up the blood, rinsing and drying the spot as she continjes to hum along to the song in her head, only vocalizing everyonce in a while.
"Saint bernard sits at the top of the driveway~ You always said how you love dogs~ I dont know if I count, but Im trying my best, when I'm howling and barking these songs~"
She smiles brightly when she hears the familiar clapping and feels a soft pat atop her head.
"Excellent dear, just marvelous~"
She smiles thankfully up at the red demon, bowing her head respectfully as she skips off to dust away some spiderwebs that had seemingly apeared overnight.
"I live inside my own world of make believe~ kids screaming in the cradles. Profanities~"
She dranced softly along with the words, stabbing each spider or insect she came across.
"I love everything, fire spreading all around my room-" BANG BANG BANG CRACK!!!
She stopped the moment she head the sound, her pupil turning to the size of a pinprick as everyone in the hotel went riggid, even Alastor looking up at the ceiling in confusion.
Nifty listened to the sound until it ended with a mushy sounding thump.
"Angel! If you must do you ministrations keep it down!" Alastor screams up angerly at the ceiling.
"Uh, I'm right here"
They all turn to Angel, who is sitting at the bar, looking just as perplexed as everyone else. Alastor seems taken abake for just a second before looking up once more.
"Then what is the cause for such a dastardly noice! It was quite annoying!"
He huffed, looking over to Nifty, who seemed deep in thought.
"Nifty dear, can you go see as to what in the nine circles is going on up there?"
"yes sir!"
She bows respectfully before running off and up the stairs at her usual quick pase. She darts down the hallways, checking each room at lightning speed, knowing noone stayed in those rooms but checking anyways.
She stops infrount of the last room, her mothers room. She knocks on the door in a quick little beat, rocking impatiently on her heals as she waits. After about 5 seconds she knocks again, a little louder, her excitement wavering.
Another five seconds pass, her worry overtaking her, so she attempts to open the door, only to find it locked.
Pullkng out a little key, she unlocks the door, walking inside.
Her little brow furled in slight confusion, as it looked as if the room was untouched.
She slowly looked to the bathroom door, walking up to it, a foreboding feeling pooling at the bottom of her stomach as the door slowly creaked open.
Time itself seemed to stop, only to be shattered by an ear piercing scream that wracked the souls of every sinner in hell.


Red ears twitched back against the red hair of the host, the scream rattling within his skull.
His eyes grew ever so slightly widder before narrowing, snapping his fingures and desolving into his shadow, zipping up the stairs and down the halls, following the sounds oc broken sobs and cries of a child... his child.
He reformed once he reached the room of, in his opinion, a familar pest.  He looked over at his small helper, finding her fragile body collasped on the floor, wracking with seemingly never ending sobs. She was frantically attempting to futilely piece together the remnants of what he could onlg describe as an absolute mess.
Blood and chunks of meat slid down the walls in what he would otherwise call a masterpiece, if not for the current situation.
Setting atop of a mess of mushed tissue matter and organs lay a nearly shattered skull.
It took a second, but then it hit him like a frate train. This was the pest that the little sunshine filled child had fallen inlove with, the pest that he had faught with for territory, the pest that knew just how to press his buttons.
And here they lay, nothing more than a mess of blood and pulverized bone, little hands barried within it in an attempted to peice together her mother.
Letting out a sigh, he shaked his head, memories of his younger demon self being pushed away as he walks closer to his assistant. He places a clawed hand on her shoulder, patting her head soothingly.
Neither said anything as the small child cried harder, hugging the most intact peice of skull to her chest, rocking back and forth as she attempts to sooth herself.
Alastor soon left her to her own sorrow, knowing her could do nothing to help her.
In her broken state of mind, her brain tried to reason with itself, telling her she could fix her mother. She could put her back together, she had to.
Pulling out a box of sewing needles, wire, and superglue from the cabinets, she set herself to work, slowly gluing the shattered skull back together.
Hours passed by, the news of the demons death spreading across the hotel, causing regretful tears to be shed by Charlie, vaggie and Angel doing their best to comfort the poor demon. All the while, Alastor stood, his smile never wavering, yet he stared off deep in thought, his entire body as still as a statue.
Abone them, Nifty worked vigorously at glueing together her mother, slowly making her way down her spine with the glue. Bones wers snapped back into place, glued, wired together, and glued again.
Days passed, yet the child worked well through the nights, only sleeping minutes at a time when she passed out from exhaustion. No one dared bother her, instead doing the cleaning themselves.
Soon enough, the entire skeleton was peiced together with an experts care, skin, organs, and other tissue, that was frozen for safe keeping, was thawed and sewn back into place.
The poor things fingures burned after hours turned to days of sewing, but she did not give up.
This was her mother, how could she just give up on her mother!? She would never!
Slowly but surely, her mother was peiced back together.
The smiling child stared up at her mother, her pupil a pinprick as she rocks excitedly on her heels.

"Welcome back.....mother"


Holy shit that took forever!
I promised xXRenkoYukiXx that this chapter would be extra long as a way to thank them for this amazing fanart they sent me!

Holy shit that took forever! I promised xXRenkoYukiXx that this chapter would be extra long as a way to thank them for this amazing fanart they sent me!

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They did an amazing job and deserve all the love in the world! Go give them a follow and help share the love! Any fanart made will be shown on upcoming chapters and the artist will be given a shoutout aswell as a sneak peak to upcoming chapters! H...

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They did an amazing job and deserve all the love in the world! Go give them a follow and help share the love!
Any fanart made will be shown on upcoming chapters and the artist will be given a shoutout aswell as a sneak peak to upcoming chapters!
Hope you all are having a lovley day/night! I really appreciate all the lovely comments and all the votes! Thank you all so much!

(Word count- 1,316)


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