Chapter 11

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The soft voice of a child filled the air, a mix between a german and russian accent heavy on their voice.
A deep, male voice replied in Russian. The undertone was gravely, almost tired sounding, yet it still held that spark of love.
"Wann wird Mutter zu Hause sein?"
The childs voice asked, tho the sounds went in one ear and out the other, as the father understood little german.
"Mutter? Mother? English sweety"
The deep voice chuckled lightly at the huff of annoyance from the child, as she was limited in English, unlike her father.
"Mother, home, soon?"
She paused between her words, her little brain having to think hard to remember what she was taught.
"Da, soon...soon"
The sound of a hum and tiny, fading footsteps could be heard as the small child left the room, heading off to bed.
There is a few minutes of silence before the tired man lets out a sigh. Shuffling can be heard, aswell as the opening and closing of a wooden drawer. However, the most startling sound would have to be the familiar click of a gun.


"Welcome back..... mother"
A soft, soothing voice fills your ears, going almost unheard as your brain slowly begins to function again.
Your rainbow pupil slowly fades back into existence, flickering dulling before slowly brightening again.
Your vision is dull and blurry as you slowly come too, your whole being feeling as weightless as your mind.
As if you where slapped, your memories come flooding back, causing your body to suddenly feel as if it were a million pounds, weighed down by gravity.
A strangled groan bubbles from your partched, stitched up throat as you slowly regain feeling in your limbs.
Your tail is the first to move, jerking into an upright position before slamming back down with a slap.
The action caused pain to ripple up your spine, making your claws flex and clench at the ground.
Slowly, you lift your heavy skull, swaying as your mussels steady yourself, still in the process of mending together again.
Your vision begins to clear, however you still see many of the figure infrount of you, confusing your mind.
The voice reaches your ears, causing you to flinch back at just how horrible and it sounded. Your mind didnt even register it came from your own mouth.
The figure, now almost as clear as day,  smiles brightly, letting out a squeal as the little ball of red practically throws herself at you in excitement.
She screams, sobs of fear and happiness racking her voice as she clutches your bearly peiced together form.
You clutch little Nifty back as best you can despite your weak limbs, doing your best to let out a soothing purr.
"D-dont ever do t-t-that again! Y-you scared us! I-i .... I t-thought I l-lost.. yo-ou..."
She sobbed into your chest, only causing more tears to prick your single eyesocket, spilling downward and splitting at either side of your bone snout.
You both sat, clutching each other, crying together.
You where so overwhelmed with emotions. Hadn't you ripped yourself apart? How where you back together? How long where you out? Is everyone ok?
Questions such as these filled your head, swarming your mind and attacking it. But at the moment, the only thing thay mattered to you was comforting your small child.
Your large claw reached up and gently rubbed her head, the tinny claw giving it gentle scratches and pats, as the other clas drew soothing circles on her back.
Slowly, the sobs turned into small hiccups and sniffles, until finally, tiny snores.
The corners of your disporpotionate mouth turned up slightly in a loving smile as you continued to purr softly, gently rocking Niffty, knowing she had gone through enouph today. Your questions, that of which you knew you couldn't ask, could wait until she awoke.
You slowly bagan drifting off, your healing body begging for the sleep it so desperately needs. Your rainbow eye slowly faded to black as your mind followed.
Both you and Nifty jerked up at the sound of a plate shattering on the floor, youd heads snapping up to see the horrified face of Charlie, tears welling in her baggy eyes. She looked like she hadn't slept in days.

You could already tell it was going to be a long day.


(Word count- 739)


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