chapter 2

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You've been in hell for three days so far, and honestly, its... well, hell.
You've had a hard time finding places to sleep, mostly pulling your levitating body up the walls of buildings and hiding next to chimneys for warmth through the cold nights.
Food and water is extreamly scarce aswell, only being able to find slightly decent water in the disgusting bathrooms of shops and bars.
Honestly, you've bearly eaten anything since you got here, and with your lanky figure its easy to tell the only place you have a fat store is in the base of your tail. So far you have been eating whatever ounces of food you can find laying around.
Your starved, your hunger making you crave the flesh you had once struffed yourself with.
What you found the strangest however, is that people seemed to follow you, attempting to stay in a close radius, and some even brushing shoulders with you. This scared the shit out of you of course, causing you to quickly float away with a swoop of your tail.
One thing that you loved about your new body was that the black freckles that seemed to cover your soft fur and scales was bioluminescent, allowing you to flash bright neons with a single breath.
You've found it increasingly hard not to sink your teeth into the beings as they followed you, your hunger growing quite quickly.
What are you up too right now you may ask.
Right now you are drifting down the sidewalk at a comfortable pace, a herd of dazed monsters following behind you like lost puppies. No. More like sacks of bloody, fresh meat.
You could feel your saliva driping down your nonexcistant bottom jaw, long, blue and silver tiped tounge slipping from its hidding place in your throat. It coiled and uncoiled, seeming to slither in the air in a show of flexibility.
Your mind snaps blank as you feel a clawed hand of a lizard demon land on your shoulder.
In a swift movement, you swung yourself around, sinking your many rows of razor like teeth into the male demon.
His delicious cry of pain seemed to snap the others out of their dazed state, running off with fearful looks spread across their faces.
You didnt pay any attention to the staring pedestrians as you visously shook your head, ripping a large chunk out of the demons shoulder. He fell but got up rather quickly, attempting to run away.
You threw your head back, your throat opening larger with a sickening squish and crack, the chunk disapearing down your void of a throat.
You let out a purr like growl, throwing yourself forward, arms at your side to slip through the air at quick speeds, your tail jerking as you catch up with your running pray.
Your claws lurched forward as you scooped up the beast, shoving him into your forever open mouth.
There was another squish and crack and your throat began to slowly pull him in, much like that of a snake.
His screams became muffled and movements more frantic, but you didn't stop, slowly swallowing the man alive.
You let out happy gags and growls, the thick blood running down your throat in a heavy flowing stream.
The reptile demon quickly disapeared down your throat, allowing it to snap back into place.
Much to your dazed curiosity, your stomach was still as slim as ever.
You threw your head back and let out an exact copy of the scream the male had made not even three minutes ago, your gills vibrating with excitement.
It felt so good to eat again.... to be alive AGAIN.


《Word count- 617》

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