"Thanks daddy."


The kids and I began our journey towards the grocery store. We don't have to walk far since we are going to get there by bus.

As we neared, the bus stop, I felt a presence following us. I looked around and all I saw was a huge silver pickup truck that was cruising behind us.

" Charity turn at the corner" I said

" Why, bus stop is right there?"

" Just do it" i yelled

" Hey Baby, Its me... Its me Derek."

I let out a big breath. I Thought we were getting kidnapped or something. Derek got out the truck looking all sexy and what not. He was wearing a white t-shirt and basketball shorts.

" What y'all doing out here in this heat baby? Kids get in the truck, i got the air going."

" Hallelujah "

" don't have to tell me twice."

I stood there as he put baby Jace carseat in the backseat and made sure he was strapped in.

" Come over here and make sure this right."

When i didn't move he came over to me. I didn't realize it until now but i was crying. The first time he's ever seen me cry.

" What's the matter?" he asked he wiped my tears and brought me into a hug.

" I don't really know. I'm so tired Derek." I explained.

"I'm here now." he comforted. I wasn't sure why I was so emotional but i was so grateful for Derek's understanding.

Derek took us to the store and refused to let me pay for the groceries with the money my dad gave me. He even bought the kids each a toy and their own personal snack. Although baby Jace didn't need any formula or baby food, he bought some anyway. He also bought us dinner.

" Thank you for everything. Let me pay you back."

" Nah I don't want no money. Just let me take you out on another date. Ask Emery if she can look after the kids tonight. You deserve it." He said.

" I can't tonight, if my mother found out..."

" Don't worry about her baby. Do this for you."

Later that night...

"Where you going?' Marcus asked.

"Yeah momma said you had to stay with us." Michael co-sided.

I put on my jacket on and grabbed my purse.

"Don't worry about it"

" you won't be saying that when Momma finds out." Charity cut in, holding her beat up teddy bear.

Mom managed to sew most of the pieces back together. I would've just have thrown it away.

"Look she's not going to find out. What she doesn't know want matter. Besides you'll are old enough to be by yourselves, even though Emery will be watching from a distance. And Baby Jace is with his grandmother for the night." I told them.

I managed to get Baby Jace grandmother to come pick him up last minute, she promised not to say anything to my mother about me asking her to take him and all I had to do was leave a message for mother that she had him.

After bribing the little brats with five bucks each to keep their mouths sealed, i was on my way.

When I left Derek was already outside waiting for me.

"What's up, Baby" he greeted.

He kissed my cheek as I closed the door to his car.

We went to the mall and strolled around the place, hand in hand. We gave each other flirtatious stares as we ate our food in the food court.

" I never thought I would ever date someone as beautiful as you." he complimented as he watched me take a sip of my drink.

He played with his straw trying to look away.

"I'm beautiful?" I asked.

I never been called beautiful as much as he does. Not even by my father.

" Is it so hard to believe?" he answered." I mean don't you think your Beautiful? Cause certainly do." he added.

I looked in his eyes and they were filled with warmth.  It was quite obvious that he is very attracted to me by the way he looked at me.

"I guess I am" I said with a smile.

I looked over my shoulder to see a picture booth. I got up and took his hand.

"Come on let's take pictures." I said as I tugged his Arm.

" let me finish, first" he said with a chuckle.

"Come on" I said impatiently.

"Okay, Okay." We got inside the booth and selected what kind of pics we wanted to take.

"Man, there's not a lot of room in this thing." I complained as I tried to get comfortable.

"You can sit in my lap if you want."

I got on his lap and I immediately felt him. I didn't bother moving. The first few pictures were just smiling pictures. Then the second set of pictures were funny faces. I felt his breath on my neck as we waited for the next shoot. We stared into each other's eyes before our lips met. It took me a moment to realize what was happening. I closed my eyes as I embraced his kiss. His lips were so soft I couldn't find anything to compare it to. He rubbed my shoulder as his tongue found mine. We stopped kissing once the photos were copied. Derek grabbed them and put them in his pocket.

" Ready to go?" he asked.

I nodded as I stepped out of the booth. I was still in a daze from the kiss so Derek had to guide me back to the car. We didn't waist anytime for our lips to meet again. The soft touch of his lips, the passionate feeling around us led to another. I helped him undue his shirt while he kissed my neck. He got over on the passenger side and got on top of me.

As I admired his big brown eyes and as he glanced at mine our hearts beeped as one. His vivid hands all over my body felt like a dream. Our heavy breathing filled the car as Derek began to grind on me. He raised up my shirt to see my navel and began to lick my stomach. My moans got louder each time his mouth touched my body. Slow jams played on the radio increasing the mood. I couldn't believe what was happening. Derek unbuttoned my jeans and I let him. He reclined the seat all the way back. It wasn't until he started to unbuttoned his jeans I started to think.

"Wait" I managed to say.

" I got protection baby. Don't worry about it." he said leaning in to me. I pushed him back.

"You should take me home." I looked right in his eyes to avoid the big bulge in his pants. He got up from on top of me and got back on the driver's side.

"I'm sorry" he apologized.

"It's just that I'm a virgin. This is all new to me. I'm the one who should be sorry for not telling you sooner..."

"Adrienne, I understand. I know your virginity means a lot to you. It does to a lot of girls. Besides I really have feelings for you, so I'm willing to wait for you. And if I were meant to be your first, I'll be your best time ever."

I laughed then smiled at him.

" I'm serious when I say I care about you. And I'll anything for you. I mean that." He explained further.

I gave him a soft kiss on the lips to let him know that I understood.

" Be my girl?" he asked.

" I thought I already was."

He was about to put his shirt back on, but I stopped him.

"Why don't you keep your shirt off..." he laughed. I just love his muscular body, but I still want to keep my goods till I'm good and ready.

Drama Of A Teen (completed, unedited)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat