"is this the child you saw?" caius tensely stayed.

"i'm not sure."

"jane?" caius chirped psychically. irina grew scared as she rushed to speak.

"she's changed! this child is bigger!" irina cried out. caius glared, his red eyes staring the blonde down.

"then your allegations were false." caius sneered.

"the cullens are innocent, i take full responsibility." irina states weakly, she glanced over at her family.

"i'm sorry." feliz starts stepping up to irina, something edward noticed immediately.

"caius no!" felix smirked before yanking irina's head off.

"irina!" tanya, irina's sister cried out. caius lit irina's body on fire as kate and tanya yell, rushing forward.

garrett grabs ahold of kate.

edward turned toward Zafrina.

"blind them." the two blondes were blinded quickly, stopping them from attacking.

"we must attack!" tanya cried out.

"tanya, this is what they want, if you attack now, then we'll all die!" edward reasoned, before looking at zafrina to stop, and watching as the two blonde sisters calm down, stopping their attacks. jane caught eyes with edward.


edward fell to his knees mx once again experiencing the agony he felt back in italy. he grunted before suddenly, the feeling vanished. he looked back and saw bella smirking slight, causing one to fall on his own lips. he stood up, before walking back to his wife, watching as alec stepped up to, releasing his black smoke before he was stopped.

"aro, you see there's no laws broken here" carlisle spoke strongly, his glare settled on the black haired vampire. aro's crazed eyes fluttered across everyone.

"agreed. but does it then follow that there is no danger?," aro turned to his army,"for the first time in our history, humans pose a threat to our kind. Ttheir modern technology has given birth to weapons that could destroy us. maintaining our secret has never been more imperative. in such perilous times, only the known is safe. only the known is tolerable, and we know nothing of what this child will become. can we live with such uncertainty? spare ourselves a fight today, only to die tomorrow." aro turned towards four figures walking from the tree line, a small laugh escaping him.

edward recognised alice, jasper and lucifer, but the heavily white cloaked figure confused and startled him. he could not smell nor see who it was.

but he could only guess they were lucifer's trump-card.

both aro and edward spoke alice's name, but she barely acknowledged it. she continued towards aro, only to be grasped by guards, jasper being pushed away from her and lucifer and the cloaked person stepping back, glaring at the vampires.

"i wouldn't touch me boy." lucifer drawled his voice deep and dangerous. alice glared harder at alice.

"my dear, dear alice. we're so god to see you here after all!" aro cooed.

"we have evidence the child won't be a threat to our kind." aro glanced at the white cloaked figure and alice in suspicion. alice gently held her hand out for the man to take.

the cloaked figure raises her head higher, a lock of white hair falling from it hidden cove.

"brother." caius called, but was ignored.

alice glared into aro's eyes as they widened second by second. aro took his hands away from the clairvoyants.

"as you most likely saw, your future isn't so bright." lucifer taunted, his deep red eyes challenging aro's army to defy him.

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