My dad looked at me, suspiciously. Then he realized a vital detail.

"You fell in love with Valeria, didn't you?" Dad questioned.

I said nothing, which confirmed my answer.

"Cameron," my dad said in a warning tone.

"I didn't mean to, but it's difficult for it not to happen," I said, knowing I broke a rule in the contract.

I turned and walked over to the railing. I placed my palms on it and looked into the distance. Dad walked over and stood next to me with his hands in his pockets.

"How do you keep from falling in love with someone who you knew your entire life? I know Vincent hired me to protect Valeria, but watching her struggle is difficult," I said, not looking at my dad.

"Because you become a different person than when you were younger. People change over time. They grow or remain complacent. There is no in-between with that," Dad explained.

I reached up and rubbed my face, then ran my hand through my hair in frustration.

"Cameron, I can't tell you not to fall in love with someone, but I can advise you to be careful. You will have to make a decision when this is over," Dad reminded me.

I looked at my dad. "You're not telling Vincent, are you?" I asked curiously.

"I should, but no. The last thing Valeria needs is added stress during this time. It will not make Vincent happy, but sometimes you put someone else's happiness first, even if it means pissing off your boss," Dad commented, smirking.

"You have a bizarre relationship with Vincent," I mentioned.

"Yeah, but it works," Dad scoffed.

I chuckled. Eventually, Dad left, and I went back to making Valeria's lunch. The one thing I knew about my dad is if he wanted to tell Vincent, he would. I wondered why he didn't say something?


I left the beach house and walked to my car. I got inside and sat there. I turned and looked at Landon, who sat in the passenger seat.

"Well," Landon asked.

"You were right," I answered. "What made you think that Valeria and Cameron came here?"

"It was the one place we felt as safe as kids. Mom and Dad told us if we ever need a safe place to go to the beach house, and they would find us," Landon answered.

I looked at Landon. I remember when Vincent bought this house. I started working as his bodyguard.


I pulled up to a house and got out of the car as Vincent emerged from the backseat. A woman stood on the front porch dressed in business attire.

Vincent walked towards the lady as I followed.

"Mr. Powers, it's nice to meet you," the woman greeted Vincent.

"Save your pleasantries, Ms. Rhodes. I neither have the time and patience for your flirtation," Vincent spoke abruptly.

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