"Uh.. I came here to clear something up," Hannah scratches her elbow nervously.

   Emily and Katherine stare at Hannah expectantly, ignoring Thomas and Anthony who are giving them confused looks as the boys do not exactly know what is happening.

   "I didn't do it."

   Emily and Katherine look at each other again. "What do you mean?" they ask simultaneously.

   "I-I wasn't the reason you've got nosebleed, Emily. I-it's true that I hit the ball too hard, but actually I w-was passing it to Luciana," Hannah stutters as she notices that Thomas and Anthony are still staring at her.

   "Wait.. Luci--who?" Emily furrows her eyebrows whilst Katherine slaps her forehead.

   "Luciana, the girl from the volleyball team who talked to you earlier," Katherine explains when Emily looks at her confusedly.

   "You know her?"

   "Not just me. Everybody does. She's like the most popular girl in this school," Katherine rolls her eyes.

   "May I continue......?" Hannah asks politely.

   Emily and Katherine nod eagerly whilst Thomas and Anthony just stay out of the spotlight and listen to the girls' conversation.

   "So....as I said earlier, I wanted to pass the ball to Luciana, but I saw her purposely avoiding the ball so that it could hit you," Hannah gazes at Emily apologetically.

   "Why did she do that?" asks Katherine, fuming with anger.

   "Umm.....because......I heard she said to her friend before we played.....something about.....uh.....she saw you talking to her ex-boyfriend," Hannah chews on her lips.

   "What? Who?" Emily is still confused.

   "Wait, wait, wait... Don't tell me that....." Katherine trails away and glances at Thomas and Anthony who are giving each other a meaningful look. They seem to know, but they are just not sure about it ...

   "Luciana saw Emily talking with her ex-boyfriend, Raymond," Hannah finishes the sentence for Katherine.

   "Wait, what?" Thomas, who was sitting at the corner of the room, stands up immediately. He knew it! Everyone in this school knows that Luciana and Raymond are lovers. Uh... Well, they were lovers now. Then, he catches Emily turning her head at him with her wide-eyed stare. "You talked to Raymond, Nicholas' friend? What were you doing with him?"

   "I wasn't alone at that time! Kate and Anthony were there too!" Emily defends herself and motions to her two best friends. Thomas keeps his eyes on her face, wondering if she is telling the truth or not.

   "Did I get her into trouble?" Hannah asks Katherine softly, glancing at the Robertson twins who are having a 'staring into each other's eyes'  contest. Katherine just shrugs and shoots her a small smile.

   "I'll tell you later," Emily points her finger at Thomas, ending their staring contest. Thomas sighs, nods and sits back down. After that, she turns her attention to Hannah, smiles and says, "Sorry for the interruption. Let's continue".

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