- From, H'

My mind drew up so many blanks as I tried thinking of anyone that I knew of with their name starting with the letter 'H'. I hardly paid any attention to the people around me in class so it was impossible for me to guess who this person is. Should I just throw it away?

That would be rude...but then again I don't know who this person is and I don't think they're expecting a letter back in return.

I frowned as I read the letter again. What did they mean by the other day? I don't really remember going out of my way to help someone, it was unlike me to do such a thing.

I let out a small sigh before just putting the letter back in the envelope and placed it in my desk drawer. I don't know, maybe I should throw it out but until I can come to a solid decision, I'll just leave it there for now.

After I did my homework, I headed downstairs in search of a snack, but as I was coming down I heard the sound of a thud and then Kade screaming.

"AAAH!!! WHAT IS THAT?!?! IS IT A CORPSE?!?!" I ran into the living room and saw Kade staring in horror at Roman, who was on the ground unmoving, with a pillow clenched in his hands for protection. Roman had deep bags under his eyes and his black hair that was normally very neat and tidy, was now a mess.

I heard footsteps rushing down the stairs and Ares appeared in just...a towel for some reason, with a baseball bat in hand. He looked around for any threats and when he saw that there was in fact no danger he lowered the bat with a frown.

"Kade, what the hell are you screaming for?" He asked and Kade pointed at Roman's still unmoving body.

He mouthed something to Ares which Ares was somehow able to understand and he just shook his head with an irritated sigh.

"No, you idiot, that isn't a corpse. It's just Roman" Ares said as if it were normal to see Roman in such a state. If it were, I had no idea.

Kade's eyes were wide for a moment as he processed Ares' words and I wondered how Kade was unable to recognize Roman. He didn't look so bad to the point where he couldn't be identified.

"Roman?! What happened?!" Kade asked frantically as he rushed over to Roman who was now practically withering away right in front of us.

"I can't believe it...I'm out here buck naked ready to fight and it's just this guy being dramatic as usual" Ares grumbled as he swung the baseball bat nonchalantly on his shoulder before heading back upstairs.

"Roman? Roman?! Speak to me!" Kade said as he clutched his younger brother in his arms. I watched the dramatic scene in front of me until my stomach growled.

I need food.

I walked away from the two and went into the kitchen. I grabbed the box of bagel bites out of the freezer and made myself a couple. After I finished making them, I grabbed a glass of juice and when I walked out of the kitchen Kade was still 'mourning' Roman.

I swear these people are so weird.

"What's wrong with him?" I asked as I placed my glass down on the table and took a bite out of one of my bagel bites, not minding that they were still really hot.

"He overworked himself again and I guess he fainted" Kade said as he proceeded to put one hand under Roman's shoulders and the other one under his knees and lifted him up.

I was a little speechless at the sight. Roman was a full grown adult, pretty tall, and no doubt really heavy yet Kade just lifted him up as if he were a feather.

"Sorry that you had to see me looking like such a mess" Kade said before giving me a small smile and heading up to put Roman in his room.

It was just then that Lance walked into the house. He looked at me confused when he saw me just standing there, bagel bite in hand, and jaw slightly agape.

"Ceres? What's wrong?" He asked as he took his coat off.

I snapped out of my daze and just shook my head.

"Nothing..." I said and Lance didn't seem to believe me but let me off for whatever reason.

It had been a while since I've last seen Lance around. Max says that there are times where he gets really busy and won't come home for a few days and spends all his time at the company. I couldn't imagine how stressful that must be for him.

"Welcome home..." I said and Lance looked at me surprised for a moment before letting out a small chuckle.

"Thanks" he said patting my head as he passed me on his way up to his room.

I picked up my glass of juice before also heading up to my own room, still a little perplexed at how strange all of my brothers were.

[A/N: so sorry for the short sucky chapter :/ I've been busy these past two days but I still wanted to update for you guys! Next chapter will be much longer and hopefully better! As always, thank you for reading❤️]

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