Ministry Of Magic

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The next day at The Burrow, Severus Snape paid Molly Weasley a visit while her husband was at work and the children were playing quidditch in the field next door. His daughter had written to him the previous day, detailing her jailbreak with great enthusiasm and explaining her change in location. 

Molly Weasley wasn't surprised to Severus on her door step, but she quickly ushered him in her home before the children could see, not wanting them to ask any uncomfortable questions. They were too young to know about the Order, and so it was better for them to assume that she, like them, resented the Potions master.

"I believe you are owed my thanks," he said solemnly.

She nodded absentmindedly, and told him what she had overheard Hazel and Harry tell her sons. Snape was quiet, and she asked him if he would like to stay for tea and ask his daughter himself.

"No, I should think that it would only cause more questions if she thought that it was important enough for me to care. You are sure that they think it was only a school prank?"

"Yes, I'm quite certain. They think that boy, Draco Malfoy, was the one who sent the it."

"Well, you have to understand, I won't be able to get that confirmation from his father. If Lucius Malfoy wasn't aware his son was sending their house elf to scare other children, then it would only get the boy in trouble if he were to find out. And if it was Lucius who had sent the house elf, then he would certainly not admit it to me, not when my daughter was involved."

"Well, do you think we should tell Dumbledore? Arthur and I were quite alarmed when we heard, but we don't understand how this could be of importance to him."

"I will tell Dumbledore. He's been suspecting the Dark Lord's return, and Lucius Malfoy would do anything to get back in the Dark Lord's good books."

Molly nervously busied herself with lunch, and absentmindedly invited Severus to stay, but he excused himself and made his way to the field, beckoning his daughter down to greet him. Molly watched this from the window, and then caught sight of her reflection. There's no need to worry, not really, not when Dumbledore is at Hogwarts. 

Hazel had been having the time of her life soaring through the sky. She couldn't remember the last time she was on a broom. Probably a year ago, back when Draco and I were still friends, she thought to herself. The wind was soaring past her ears and she almost didn't hear her name being call, until Ron whizzed past her and told her to look down. There, standing on the ground, was a tiny, dark speck, watching her. She recognized that speck, how could she not? As she got closer her smile grew bigger, and she almost didn't stop her broom in time. Luckily she did not crash, and her father hugged her tightly while Harry and the rest of the Weasley's pretended like they weren't watching.

"Dad! What are you doing here?"

"You have an appointment with the Ministry of Magic in one week. I will be picking you and your brother up at 6 o'clock next Tuesday, and that is in the morning. I've made arrangements with Molly Weasley. Also, you have been invited to the Malfoy's for tea, tomorrow. I've already accepted on your behalf."

"But, Dad—"

"You're welcome," was all he said. "Are you still wearing your necklace?"

"Yes," she sighed. 


And that was that. He gave her one last hug, and one last kiss on the forehead, and then he stepped back and apparated away.

Hazel begrudgingly got back on her broomstick and flew over to Harry, who was showing off to Ginny and doing loop-de-loops on his Nimbus Two Thousand. 

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