Ninth Birthday: The Surprise

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Authors Note:

Hey guys! Thank you for clicking on my story, I started writing it when I was 15 so the quality of the first few chapters might not be too good.

You can tell by the chapter titles as to what timeframe they focus on, so if you are here for some OCxDraco Malfoy chemistry, you should check out my last chapters. 

I'm currently rewriting my main character- originally she's *perfect*, but honestly, that's so boring and not at all realistic. So, if  you notice some inconsistencies, please PLEASE notify me, it makes my job so much easier :) 

Also, if you private message me, I might not respond, there seems to be a problem, and idk how to fix it. 


Hello, my name is Hazel, and my father is the one and only Severus Snape!
Well, technically my father is James Potter, and my mother is Lily Potter, but for the sake of Dad's feelings, I don't bring up their names very often. Or like, at all.

The only times we really say anything about my parents is when Dad mentions that I look just like mother. Which isn't very often.

My earliest memory is playing in the park near our house. It's sort of fuzzy, but I think I was playing on the swings and talking to myself, until this fat little boy came up to me and tried to scare me away (nasty boy, he just wanted to swing), but I must have been having a bad day, because when he pushed me into a nearby rose bush I stood up and punched him in the throat. It couldn't have been too hard, seeing as I was only five years old at the time, but he couldn't breathe for at least a couple seconds. I remember being so proud of that fact, running up to Dad and boasting. He just looked at me, with his hands clasped behind his back (concealing his wand) and smiled playfully. I kept going on and on about it, and he said, "I know, Hazel, I saw you."

For as long as I can remember, Dad and I have lived alone during the summer, but then when the weather starts getting colder and the nights start getting longer, we move ship to this amazing castle. That's where our family all lived. Aunt Minnie; Uncle Al; Haggy; they were always there to greet us at the fireplace. Then, following a round of hugs and presents (Haggy always had scones on hand, and I could always rely on Uncle Al to provide a sweet or two) we would then go into this great big room where there was no roof and these really long tables. For the first week, the tables would be empty, and the only people in the room would be right at the end. Thats where me and my family sat. I was the only kid there, but I never really felt like a kid. 

Even though the castle was huge, it was never empty. There were thousands of painting to talk to, hundreds of elves to play hide and seek with, at least fifty ghosts who could entertain me with a never-ending flow of stories. 

Then, there would come a day when, all of a sudden, the halls would be filled with an overwhelming buzzing, and when we went up to eat dinner, the long tables would be lined with people. Hundreds of people, all towering over me. Some would be so excited that they wouldn't even notice me when I sneaked through the jungle of their legs. I almost got stepped on several times, and Dad said that I should start coming through the back door instead.

It was all very exciting, really. In the mornings, Dad and I would go to the big room and eat our breakfast, and from my high chair at the table, I had the best view of all the activity in the room. Uncle Al would sit to my left, and I distinctly remember watching how his big grey beard seemed to always avoid falling into his bowl of cereal. Then, after breakfast, I would be escorted outside by my father, who would hand me off to Jessie, a house elf with big beautiful brown eyes. We would spend the day together, moving from one place to the next. Sometimes, if the weather was good, we would spend the entire day outside. These kinds of days were always loads of fun, because at midday, just before lunch, Hagrid would take us out onto the lake in a huge wooden boat, and he'd tell us all about the merpeople who lived below the water. I'd help him as he went about his duties: collecting debris from the water surface; dislodging any objects that might be blocking the castle moat; making note of any aquatic creatures who seemed to be under-the-weather and in need of care. After lunch, if Hagrid wasn't too busy, he would take us up into the mountains for an hour or two on his big flying motorcycle. At first, being in the air was really scary, and Jessie and I would scream as the motor's engine roared. Hagrid would laugh (I could see his chest jumping as he did so) and we would make our way through the clouds.Over the years, I came to love the view from the top of the ridge. As far as the eye could see, there were gorges and mountains and fields and forests and lakes, and if you squinted hard enough, the castle could be seen too, hiding in plain sight. From so far away, it blended in perfectly with the natural landscape. 

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