Breaking Free

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Dear father

You'll notice that this letter is being delivered by owl, and that is because Harry and I have sorted out the mail issue.

Apparently it was house elf who was stealing all of our letters; Uncle Vernon found him hiding in our closet.

I don't know why the house elf was here or why he had been watching us —he won't say anything— but I do know that he belongs to the Malfoys

Harry and I received a warning from the Ministry of Magic because the elf apparated, and now the Dursleys have figured out  that we aren't actually allowed to do any magic. They were very pleased and have locked all our things in the broom closet, including our wands.

What should we do? We didn't perform any magic the entire holidays and now we are one spell away from expulsion. The Dursleys were about to lock Hedwig up too, before I sent her to you.

Lots of love, Hazel.


It wasn't very hard for Snape to convince Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia to unlock his daughters possessions from the broom closet, and for once, Harry was happy to see his Potions master. 

It was a Wednesday, and they had gotten their stuff back and had made arrangements with Snape to visit the Ministry of Magic to clear their name of their charges, but this didn't mean that they were fully in the clear. Uncle Vernon had ordered them to spend the day helping their aunt clean the house, and so Hazel was busy unpacking the dishwasher while Harry was outside, getting started on repainting the back porch. 

Aunt Petunia was sitting in the garden, watching them, and yelled at Hazel to stop her whistling. Harry wiped the sweat off his forehead and went back to scraping off the old paint, but he secretly wished that his aunt would get horrendously sunburnt and go back inside, her incessant hawk-like observation was irritating him to no end. Dudley had come home, because it was a particularly hot day, and he too seemed to enjoy watching his cousin suffer as he ate an entire bucket of Neapolitan ice-cream. 

Hazel finished in the kitchen and joined her brother outside, secretly handing him an ice-lollipop. She picked up the other scraper and got to work, and it was dark by the time they had repainted and varnished the entire porch. 

That night, after another miserable dinner, Hazel and Harry decided that they would break free and go to the movie theatre. So there they were, 9 o'clock at night, hanging out of their window like a couple of bats, sneaking out like they usually did after their aunt and uncle had retired to the sitting room. They almost never got caught, because none of the Dursleys ever bothered checking in with the Potters after dinner —they didn't want to spend more time with them than they had to. 

Hazel miscalculated the jump and scraped her arm on one of the rose bushes that Petunia had planted just below their window. The thorns imbedded themselves into her sleeve, and she winced when she pulled them out, but they were both too high on adrenaline for a little injury like that to dampen their spirits. They sneaked around the house, grabbed their bicycles, and rode to the nearest theatre. On show that night was a choice of Aladin, Batman Returns, Alien 3, and Wayne's World. They had already watched all of these, and so they decided to sneak into one of the adult movies. Why they thought this was a good idea, they do not know, and they quickly regretted it. They were about to leave the theatre quickly when they were grabbed by one of the porters and steered out into the lobby, where they were then yelled at and forced into the managers office. He gave them a stern talking to, and demanded to phone their parents. They reluctantly gave their aunt and uncles phone number, but not before they tried a bit of good old fashioned crying. This didn't work, and the manager still wanted to know what their parents phone number was. Hazel almost said that they didn't have any parents, hoping that there was at least one sympathetic bone in the managers body, but Harry, knowing his sister too well, interrupted her before she could. The last thing he wanted was for this horrible stranger to know they were technically orphans. Everyone in the wizarding world knew, he didn't need anyone in the muggle world to know either. 

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