The Dark Mark

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Authors note: I just had to get this chapter out of my system; this is after the Irish won Quidditch World Cup. The beginning is them going back to their tent from the stadium.


By the time they had managed to get back to their tent, they had participated in at least three Irish war chants, and Fred and George looked as though they had snuck more than a few sips of Mr Weasley's Fire Whiskey. 

Ron was busy declaring his undying love for Victor Krum when they all heard a series of loud explosions coming from outside, which were closely followed by a terrific screaming.

"Sounds like the Irish are getting their pride on," said George.

Mr Weasley rushed to look outside their tent, and said quickly, "That's not the Irish."

There was a great panic as everyone tried to gather their things and Mr Weasley ordered them to leave it and join hands.

"Fred, George, you look after Ginny—do not let her go—You four!" he said to Harry, Hazel, Ron, and Hermione, "You link arms and follow me, we need to get back to the portkey. No, Percy leave that! We need to go now—"

A part of their tent started to collapse, and when they went outside they were immediately swamped by a standpede of people rushing in all different directions. No on was sure which way was the right way to go, and almost instantly, Hazel was torn away from the group. She could hear Harry call out for her, and she could hear Hermione calling out for Harry.

"Hazel!" cried Harry.

"Harry!" she said. "Ron? Hermione?Ow—"

"Harry? Hazel! Ron—they're gone!" 

Hazel was caught crossed between two tides of people rushing to-and-from the dark forest on her left, and she struggled to stay standing. The last thing she needed was to fall down and be trampled to death.

Suddenly, everyone decided to go in one direction, and that was away from the group of Death Eaters who were suspending some Muggles in the air.

Hazel was pushed in the forest, but she had to get back— Harry had been pushed towards the stadium, and the portkey was waiting for her on the other side of the field. In seconds she was the only one left in that part of the forest—probably because the Death Eaters had made an appearance and were marching past her right there at that moment. She tried to duck behind a big oak tree and sneak around them, but she was sucked into the tree's shadow.

She couldn't scream, because there was a hand covering her mouth, and she could feel the rapid rising and falling of the chest of whoever was holding her. She tried to kick and stamp her way out of their arms, but they only held on tighter and told her to shut up. She stopped struggling, not because she had given up hope of being freed, but because she recognized that voice.

"Mahmo?" she said through their hand.

"I said shut up!"

After a minute of them both trying to blend as best as they could into the shadows, her captor slowly lessened their hold on her, removing their hand from her mouth. That didn't mean she was free, though, because they still held her against them in the shadows.

"They might come back," said Draco quietly. "We need to get out of this forest—one stray spell and this place will go up in flames."

"Actually, this forest is made up of mostly Sea Apple trees so I highly doubt—"


There was someone making a huge racket to their left, stumbling through the forest loudly, and Draco pulled out his wand and pushed Hazel behind him.

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