He nodded. "Pick anything you want, mea soare, it'll all be yours one day so you might as well get acquainted with it." i smiled widely. He watched from the door as I browsed the lavish jewelry.

I looked over a safe in the back of the large room. "What's in the safe?" i asked.

He looked conflicted for a moment. "My mother can't know i told you this." i drew an X over my heart with my finger. He walked over to me. "My mother was asked many years ago to keep a powerful witch artifact safe. Inside the safe is the Stone of Loren."

"I've never heard of it."

"I'm not surprised, it's very old," he told me. "Loren was a powerful witch who didn't wish to have magic after people used him for his power of time travel. He stripped himself of his powers and placed them in a stone. The stone allows anyone to use his powers. My mother keeps it safe from people who would use the power for evil."

"Are you going to get in trouble for telling me about it?"

"No, of course not. You're my mate, i won't have secrets from you." I picked out a necklace with a red ruby surrounded by small diamonds at the end of a simple silver chain. I clipped it around my neck. "Absolutely beautiful."

"Sebastian, I'm a little nervous about tonight."

He turned me around. He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. "Don't be. No one would dare touch you." he grabbed my hand and kissed my knuckles. "Besides, you'll be with me or Darrian the entire night."

"Okay," i whispered.

"People are arriving." i nodded. We started walking downstairs. His hand rested on my lower back. "We're meeting everyone in the ballroom before dinner. You don't have to talk to anyone though. If you're ever scared or uncomfortable, we can take a break, okay?"

i nodded. We stopped outside the ballroom doors where Darrian was waiting for us. He bowed his head. "My lord, milady. You're late, your mother is a little bit mad."

"I'll be sure to find her and apologize," sebastian said as we walked inside. The ballroom was filled with vampires dressed in black, white, and grey formal wear. Sebastian and i stood out from the crowd. Josephine was sitting on her throne in the back. She had on a dark red matte dress with one long sleeve and a high slit up her leg. "Stay with Darrian while i apologize to my mother."

I nodded. Sebastian kissed the side of my head. He walked over to Josephine while Darrian and i stayed by the door. I smiled when i saw someone i knew. "Darrian, can i go talk to a friend of my family?" he nodded. He followed close behind me as i walked over to her. "Aunt Holly!"

"Lexi," she said as she wrapped her arms around me. Holly is Carlson's older sister. They look extremely similar given that they both look like they're in their twenties. I've only met her a few times but she used to call us all the time. "Oh sweetheart, Carlson told me you were the prince's mate but i didn't want to believe it."

"Have you talked to them? How are they?"

"They're fine sweetheart, they're just worried about you. This is one of the only times i'm actually glad to be a viceroy."

I smiled at her. "I've missed you aunt Holly."

"Oh and i've missed you." she hugged me again. I felt myself relax in her arms. "Ted is here by the way," she whispered in my ear. "Apparently he killed your viceroy and took his position."

My eyes widened as i pulled away. "He's here right now?" she nodded and glanced to the side. I followed her eyes to Ted drinking in the corner of the room with other men. He saw me and smirked raising his glass. "I need Sebastian."

Not your Average Cinderella✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang