"What's your favorite color?"

"Weirdly enough red." a small smile appeared on his face. "What's yours?"

"Mine's also red but that's always been because my mother. When's your birthday?"

"September nineteenth. Are you nervous about being king one day?"

He nodded. "My mother has ruled for thousands of years and though she has made some mistakes, everyone agrees that she has done an incredible job." he stood up and walked over to me sitting on the bed beside me. "I hope to rule with by my side one day." i looked down at my hands. "What's your favorite childhood memory?"

I reached up touching my locket. "On my eighth birthday, Beth and Carlson sat me down and told me about my parents. They gave me my mothers locket." i opened it up showing him the picture of my parents. "They told me how much my parents loved me, how they loved and protected me up until they died."

He gently caressed my cheek. He leaned forward kissing the top of my head. "I'm so sorry, mea soare."

I closed my locket. I wiped underneath my eyes. "What does Mea soare mean? Why do you always call me that?"

"It means my sun. i call you that because for the last few centuries i've felt like my world has been filled with utter darkness. That is until i saw you at the ball. Alexa, you brought light back into my life just by being in my life." he grabbed his hand. he brought my hand up and kissed my knuckles. "How many boyfriends have you had?"

"None," i chuckled. He didn't look like he believed me. "I was surrounded by people with mates so i never saw the appeal of high school dating. I honestly always thought i'd end up marrying a human but i guess i shouldn't be surprised that i have a mate."

"Are you disappointed about having a mate? About being my mate?"

"I don't know yet," i whispered.

He squeezed my hand. "I wouldn't be mad if you were, i'd understand."

"I know you wouldn't," i said. I turned to look at him. "What's your favorite thing about me?"

He smiled. "Do i have to have one thing?" i shook my head. "I love the way you are with Abby. i love the way you bite your bottom lip when you really get into a book. I love how strongly you love your family." he smiled at me softly. "I think you're beautiful, smart, kind, and a much better person then i am."

"I wanna ask something but i don't want you to be mad."

"There's nothing you could say or do to make me mad at you, Alexa, you can ask me anything."

"How many people have you killed?"

His smile fell from his face. He sighed. "Too many to count."

"I'm sorry for asking."

He shook his head. "No don't be. You deserve to know everything about me." he stood up. "Let's get some food in you." i stood up. We walked out of the room and into the dining car. We sat down across from each other. "Order anything you want."

A waiter came over as i opened my menu. "I just want a cheeseburger and fries." the waiter nodded. "You can ask me anything."

"I want to know every little thing about you; all the good and all the bad. I'm already in love with you because of our bond but i want to love you because i fell for every little thing about you."

"So you wanna know everything?" i asked. He nodded. He grabbed my hand holding it on the table between us. "Beth and Carlson put Cece and i into gymnastics when we were three. Cece stopped when were were ten but i fell in love it. When i graduated high school, i was approached by a member of the US olympic team but i declined."

"Why would you decline?"

"My family are vampires, i didn't think publicity was smart."

"I'm sorry you had to give up such an amazing opportunity."

"I got over it." he started softly rubbing circles on the back of my hand with his thumb. "Umm what else? My favorite movie is "Breakfast at Tiffany's", my favorite book is little women, i took french all four years to high school, i have a tattoo-"


"Cece and i have matching heart tattoos... on our butts." an amused smile formed on his face. I playfully glared at him. "We were sixteen."

"Well you'll have to show me one day."

"We'll see." the waiter came back with my food. Sebastian watched me as i ate my food. When i was done, i looked at the menu again. "Could i get a sundae?" he nodded with a small smile. I ordered one from a passing waiter before turning back to Sebastian. "What about you?"

"Let's see, i've never been the biggest movie watcher so i don't exactly have a favorite, my favorite book is Don Quixote, i speak over a dozen languages but i've also been alive for a long time, i don't have any tattoos."

The waiter came back with my sundae. I took a bite. I scooped a spoonful out and held it out for him. He leaned forward wrapping his mouth around my spoon. "Good right?" he nodded with a soft smile. When i finished, he reached over wiping my bottom lip with his thumb. He brought his thumb to his mouth licking the ice cream off. "Can we go back to the room?" he nodded. He grabbed my hand and pulled me up to stand. We walked back silently.

I sat down an the bed. I ran my hand through my hair. I yawned. He tucked a stand of hair behind my ear. "You can go to sleep, mea soare, we can talk more tomorrow." i nodded. I crawled underneath the covers. "Do you want me to leave?"

i shook my head. "You can stay." he kissed the side of my head. I closed my eyes as he sat down on the couch. I fell asleep soon after.

I woke up being carried in Sebastian's arms. He looked down at me. "Shh, go back to sleep."

"Where are we?" i asked.

"We're at the palace."

i closed my eyes and laid my head back against his chest. He kissed the top of my head. I felt us being walked upstairs. He laid me down in my bed. He kissed my cheek tucking me in. i grabbed his wrist before he walked away. He sat down beside me. "i'm sorry for running away, i didn't mean to hurt you."

He gently pet my hair. "I already forgave you, mea soare."

Not your Average Cinderella✔️Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant