Chapter 20

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I got a shower and Ellie had cleaned my wounds while John made the three of us a meal. Ellie had called Hunters friends mum to let him stay at hers for the night after explaining the situation, and she happily agreed wishing her well. I walked downstairs dressed up in one of my comfortable dresses and I walked downstairs where John greeted me again with a hug, telling me that he was glad I was okay and back home. "I've let Tommy know that I want to see him later at the Garrison at 8pm. I haven't told him about you but I want you to come with me, okay?"

I nodded and sat down with John and Ellie to eat and I explained everything that happened while I had been in the US, and it ended with me nearly in tears and Ellie holding my hand. "You're okay now. You're safe." John said and I nodded with a sigh. After we had a few glasses of weak wine, I got upstairs to get a coat and some shoes then made my way to the Garrison with John and Ellie so I could see Tommy again, but I was nervous... how would he react? Ellie made her way to a booth with John and I as we waited for Tommy and Polly to finish talking.

"I've just been wondering why you've haven't been upset since Grace's death. You haven't been phased by it at all... what's happened to cause it?" Polly asked and Tommy looked at the table in front of him.
"I just didn't love her... I never told her but I didn't. The only person I felt that way towards was-"
"You still loved her? Megan I mean." Polly said and Tommy nodded with a heavy sigh.
"Yes... but she's gone now isn't she, theres no point wallowing in my own self pity..."

About 10 minutes after they entered, John stood up and walked over to the room. He knocked on the door to the room where Tommy and Polly was sat. They both turned around to look at who was knocking. "Alright Tommy, I've got you somebody." He said causing Tommy to look at him confused. John stepped to the side and I walked around the corner to the room causing Tommy to stand up and walk over to me, pulling me into a tight hug with his muscular frame.

Polly walks over to Ellie and joins her and John with a few drinks as Tommy spoke with me in the room.
"Why didn't you tell me you were going?"
"I didn't tell anyone I just left Ellie a note to put charl-"
"Do you know how worried I've been?!" He raised his voice and I shook her head before speaking.
"I didn't realise I was going to be locked up for 6 years did I? I didn't realise my dad was going to act like that when I got there! I didn't even know it was my dad!"
"How stupid can you get?!"
"Had he sent you letters?"
"Yeah... and body parts..."
"So that's who it is?"
"What are you talking about Tommy? What do you mean?"
"Ellie's been getting them too. Johns having to stay with her because she was scared to live alone."

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