Chapter 6

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We both walk out of the separate bedrooms wearing some different clothes that helped us fit in more to the scene outside in the open. I put on a mid-calf red, white and black checkered skirt with some heels and a patterned top, while Ellie stuck with a plain white blouse, a grey mid-calf skirt and some heeled boots. We both walk down the stairs and grab our purses and keys. As I walk out of the kitchen, I see Ellie in the hallway psyching herself up in the mirror like she was about to do a speech to the world.

I walk up behind her and rest an arm on her shoulder before grabbing her hand. "Come on Ellie. Everything will be fine. It's just picking a child up from school. Your child." I reassure her though talking to her in the mirror.
"Yeah I know but what if he doesn't recognise me? What will I do then?"
"Of course he will recognise you, you're his mother. You may not recognise him as well as the paintings but I can reassure that he will recognise you, okay?"
"Yeah... okay" she says with a brave smile on her face, in which a soft smile appears on my face.

"Come now Ellie, lets go" I say and open the door for her. She walks out, her skirt swaying behind her as I step down onto the concrete stair and lock the door behind us, linking arms with her. "I prefer this life already. Maybe I have parents that didn't kick me out as a child, we will never know" I laugh and Ellie looks at me.
"We will have to wait and see. See who our parents are. I hope mine are nice like they were in the past." She mumbles as we walk.
"I don't have any parents so it wouldn't really matter what they're like."

"What if you don't have parents here? That must be awful"
"Meh, it wouldn't make much of a difference. I mean- I wouldn't be bothered. Of course I would be if I did have parents but..." I shrug and we talk the rest of the way, realising that we had also become more literate and formal when speaking. The accents were still Leeds accents. You know, missing some letters out etcetera, but most letters had appeared. People from Leeds must have spoken poshly back in 1919. Then again, who didn't?

My best frie- sister I mean, arrived at the school. The walls were still standing and looking in good condition. The statues stood like guards outside the school as we entered the gates, following the rest of the parents and carers. There were people stood around and children were running to their parents, laughing, screaming, crying, playing with friends and running around. Suddenly, I feel a pair of small arms around my waist. "Auntie Megan! Hi mummy" the young boy giggled and hugged Ellie as she picked him up, not knowing what to do.

"Why are you picking me up? You always refuse." he giggles and Ellie looks at me before looking back at the young boy.
"I- I can put you down if you like" she stutters and the boy shakes his head as Ellie pushes a few hairs out of his face, still leaving it in the quiff it was styled into. "You're so beautiful"

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