Chaper 17

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'She hasn't had her murder attempt yet'
The words ran through my head like an old video when you forget to turn it off. I was imagining the scene over and over again. It just wouldn't go away. I'm currently sat on my bed in an awfully fancy room. Apparently this house makes mine look like a slum, even though mine was one of the posher ones of Birmingham. Was my sister and my nephew safe? Had they received anything off of our dad? Had they received any body parts off of him. Were they still alive, for gods sakes!

Questions just wouldn't stop. A few days had passed and I'd learned to settle into this place. I knew, for sure though, that I couldn't get too settled into this place. Getting too settled would have consequences. More consequences than even coming here in the first place. My eyes close, Im about to fall asleep and my dad comes charging into my room. "We need a favour. We need you to join us. You run a gang, you know the works of the ways don't you?"
"Well... Yeah. How did they manage to deal? Are they okay?"
"Yes. One of my members are running your gang."

I feel my heart jump into my throat as he says this. "No... no we're not doing that. You're not doing that. They know what they're doing. Keep your people away from mine. I don't want them near my people." I go to open my mouth again put he puts his hand up against my mouth to shut me up.
"They're safe" was all he said before continuing, not moving his hand. "I need you to kill someone. You kill or be killed. His name is Thomas Shelby"
"No I'm not killing hi-"
"I'm joking, I want to do that myself one day when everyone least expects it."

"His name is Joseph Cobbler. He's your age. I need you to seduce him, get him into a room and kill him. There's a wrestling match down at the stadium tonight at 7pm. Be there, place bets on whoever he's betting on, stay nearby and seduce him. Simple. Here's £100. Get a dress, red is his favourite, some shoes and some jewellery. You need to look your best. Americans have standards when it comes to rich women." He says and hands me my coat. "Treat yourself"

I do as I was told. I was scared of what would happen to me if I didn't obey what he said. I put on my coat and heeled boots before walking out of the door after taking the money. The shops downtown were expensive as I expected, but £100 was a lot more than I needed. £100 was rich mans money in the 20th century, but £100 would only just buy a pair of trainers in the 21st century. We need to think only of now. That century was where I was living my life now, after all, right?

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