Chapter 18

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The stores downtown were expensive, which was no surprise. I had £100 and a dress cost £15. That was worth a lot in this century. I buy a red dress, some black kitten heels, a hairband decorated with jewels and feathers and some silver earrings and necklace. I had all this stuff at home but currently... home was a quarter away around the earth. The cost came up to £62 which meant £38 to spare. I walk back home and start getting ready for the eventful, bloody night. I can tell myself now, it's going to be really bloody. Literally.

I stand up from the mirror after applying some makeup and doing my hair. My father shouts up, letting me know that the time was 6:20. Well, time for me to get changed I guess. We had to leave the house by 6:40. I put on the outfit before walking down seeing the time was 6:35. I straighten my dress before being lead to a car, which is what I guessed I was arriving in. The car ride was silent as my father and I sat in the back. The whole way there, I stared out of the window.

The car came to a stop and my father looked at me. "You're known around Mississippi too you know, just be careful. Here's a picture of him."
I take the picture and walk inside, bidding a goodbye to my father. As soon as I walk through the door, the room goes quiet except for a few whispers and I walk in as the chatter slowly rises once again. The silence confused me. At the bar, I saw the man sat there drinking a whisky. I clear my throat before sitting across from him. "Are you Joseph Cobbler, sir?"

He nods and shakes my hand before placing a kiss on the top of it. "Yes I am. Miss Falcone?" He questions and I nod, ordering a glass of whisky.
"We need to meet on an agreement here, yes? You set your prices down, I'll set mine. You first." I say and a smirk appears on the guys face causing Megan to raise an eyebrow.
"I'll set down with £50. Perfect price for what it's worth."
"You're walking on thin ice there, Cobbler. £25 on the table final offer. Your work isn't worth the £50 you're asking for."
"Oh come on. You know it it."

After finally agreeing on £35, we walked over to the betting table buying our tickets. I insisted Joseph go first and then bet a much higher bet than him without telling him and so we walked to the stands together. Wrestling wasn't my highest interest and I didn't really pay attention until the wrestler who i placed my bet on, held the other down on the stage. "Yes!" I cheered as he won the match and the whole of that stand stood up cheering and whistling for the wrestler as the other got pulled away.

Be careful what you wish for.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang