Chapter 13

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The conversation went smoothly, which I knew was the complete opposite of how he will react when we meet in person. As I walk up to the door of the address that Billy gave me, I flatten my jacket before knocking on the door. The door opened with a swing as a maid answered and I smile slightly. "Is this where Billy Kimber is?"
"Megan Falcone?" She asks and I nod. She steps aside and I walk into the entrance. The maid closed the door and led me to a room, which I guessed was where Billy was.

Frantically, the door opens before the maid can even touch it and Billy stands there, ushering me in and waving the maid off. "What's so important that you must come here at this time? It better be worth it." Billy scowls and I nod.
"I had to get out without Ellie or Hunter noticing so late at night was my best shot. Billy... the other week when that happened..."
"Yes, what about it?!"
"I um- I'm pregnant. What did you think you were doing?!" I shout quietly and he backs me up against the wall.
"What the hell did you just say?" He whispers, anger present in his eyes.
"I said I-"
"Yes I know what you said, I'm not fucking deaf!"

A growl left Billy's throat as he places his hand firmly around my neck and punches my stomach once, twice, three times before his anger finally disappears and he punches the desk once. "You can see yourself out" he says and I walk to the door, not even speaking to him. I open the door myself and walk straight to the car that Arthur was in. Arthur was the person to bring me here, so he knew everything that has happened and what's happening right now. Internally and externally. He probably knew more than Ellie at this moment in time.

As I look up, I see Billy walking towards the car and I hit Arthur. "Arthur go. Quickly" I say and don't take my eyes off of Billy until he was out of eyesight. Sighing shakily, I explain what happened in there to Arthur and he listens, concerned of the state I'm going to be in when I wake up. I shake it off and shake my head as he pulls up to my house. Placing a polite kiss on his cheek in a thankful manner, I hug him softly before jumping out of the car and walking to the house.

As soon as I unlock the door, I walk straight to my bedroom and get changed into my silk nightgown. When I pull the nightgown down fully, the phone from the office begins to speak. It became a rule for my sister and I, that I would always answer the phone because I was the leader of the gang and if I was needed, I would be there. However, if I wasn't there- Ellie would obviously have to answer it.

Be careful what you wish for.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora