Chapter 10

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Tommy nods and takes another swing of his whisky as I stand up. "I guess that's true. I've seen you around before but I believe we haven't had proper introductions. My names Thomas Shelby and I'm leader of the Peaky Blinders... but you can call me Tommy." He says and holds his hand out, in which I happily shake.
"My names Megan Falcone and I'm... a tailor" I laugh slightly at how pathetic my job sounded compared to his. "I own a shop with my sister, Ellie."
"Yes, we knew her husband. He was a good man, helped us all at some point"

Tommy drops the hand shake and I take the final drag of my cigarette before stubbing it out and placing it in the ashtray with all of Tommy used ones. "All of us separately, and the Peaky Blinders as a gang"
"So he was a good man? He seems it. He died in 1916 in battle."
"Mhm, indeed. He was a good man like I said. A good solider, a good husband, a good father and a good friend." He finishes his glass of whisky and also stubs out his cigarette before walking behind his desk and sitting down, signalling me to sit down again.

"So your sister and her child. They're vulnerable, just like any other female out without a man beside her. They're easier to attack, they can't fight as well for themselves" He states and looks at me. I nod in agreement and look at him before shrugging.
"Women can learn."
"I don't doubt that, I believe both men and women can be on the same level if they work hard enough" Tommy says, almost fact-like before leaning forward and resting his elbows on the mahogany table, somehow finding a space to even rest on.

The next hour consisted of us getting to know each other slightly more, then I realised the time. I stand up and grab my coat from the coat stand. "Mr Shelby, I must go. Ellie will be worried and I don't want her to be panicking. I know what she's like. She gets worried easily and it won't help that she will still be shook up." I walk to the door and put my hand on the doorknob.
"I understand Miss Falcone. Are you okay?" His voice rings in my ears and I nod slowly. "Here- take this. Be careful. These streets aren't the safest at the best of times and I know you got robbed of yours."

As the sun shone in through the windows, I woke up with a sickly feeling inside me and I feel a sudden urge to run to the bathroom. As soon as I reach the toilet, I kneel down, my insides feeling like they have emptied from my stomach. "Oh my god" I mumble to myself and rest my head on my arm which is laid on the toilet seat rim. I hear a little pitter patter of small feet on the ground behind me.
"Auntie Megan... are you okay?"
"Yeah honey I'm fine, go get your mum please" I smile weakly and hear his footsteps fade away down the corridor.

Be careful what you wish for.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora