Chapter 9

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Sending me into the living room with Polly, John grabs the first aid kit for her as she begins to work on my neck. My neck finally stopped bleeding after around 5 minutes and I thank Polly before explaining exactly what happened to her. She nods in understanding and asks if she could get me anything, in which I shake my head and thank her with a soft smile. For the next few minutes, I sit there in silence, tap my fingers on the table and zone out. I fall back to the real world as Polly stands at the door.

"You can follow me to the office and wait for Thomas. He will want to talk to you in there anyway" Polly smiles sweetly again and I stand up with a nod and silently follow her to the office. She opens the door and I walk inside, seeing the bookshelf behind his desk full of different books. Tommy's desk was filled with paperwork, a lamp, pens and a phone. The furniture was dark but the walls and sunlight made the room seem light and positive, even with all the things that would have happened in the room.

I checked the clock on his wall every now and then, and if my timings were correct, Tommy turned up around half an hour later. Silently, he walks into the office and he closes the wooden door behind him, taking a cigarette into his mouth. He hands one to me in which I happily take and light, inhaling the smoke. "Why did you shoot him to get him off me?" I ask and look up at Tommy who fills a whisky glass half way.
"Why did I shoot him to get him off you? Because I know what he's done, I know what he's capable of and I know what he would have done to you if i didn't. I wouldn't forgive myself if I let him."

"Why would you care anyways? You're a gang too, it's not like you haven't hurt anyone. You have" I shrug and look at him, taking a drag of my cigarette.
"No- you're getting it wrong. We're a gang that sort out worse gangs. Like the Birmingham Boys. We don't hurt or kill people for fun, it's only if they have done something wrong and deserve to be hurt. Give them a dose of their own medicine, yano?"

"I guess so. I'm surprised you even let me in, it's not like you've talked to me before. I was just expecting you to push me to your brother then he tells me to fuck off and go home." I say and Tommy nods, taking a swing of his whisky.
"My brother? How do you know John is my brother?"
"The newspaper. You're all over the front cover of it. You know, stuff like information about you, what you've done, so on."
"You know, you can't have privacy nowadays can you?" He asks, exhaling deeply. I shake my head and finish the cigarette.
"That's the price of fame. It's what you get for being in one of the most known gangs in Birmingham."

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