14: Answers

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Our own little secretI wanna be addicted to your prison

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Our own little secret
I wanna be addicted to your prison

-Blood sweat and tears,

It was an ungodly time when the lunch hours were already over in the university cafeteria and instead they were busy preparing afternoon snacks for the students.

The buzzing sound from the people was not there and the hot summer air had chilled into a cooler tone. I had a huge file open in front of me as I sat in one of the chairs.

And on Lord's name, I so wished I was alone but the two lads, Shownu and Jooheon were sitting right in front of me.

"I appreciate you working hard," Shownu had told me with a smile that made his eyes disappear and when I saw Jooheon sitting by him they almost looked identical with the same eye smiles.

"Thanks," I cleared my throat and turned a page over. It was questionable how these two had found me in such an hour here but I guessed it was the right timing. I had many a question surging through my brain after I had started digging up through the files that smoker boy gave me.

"Can I ask some questions about your... business?" I leaned a bit forward with my voice careful. Jooheon hung onto one of Shownu's bare arms, both of them wearing colorful outfits that were the opposite of what I would see of them at the club.

"Sure," Shownu's toothy grin was starting to bother me now. It almost felt surreal to imagine him being the leader of these- whatever they were, but to me, surely criminals.

"This business of yours," I turned a page of the green file, my eyes outlining the words beer and franchise.

"You are making beers? And you have several outlets of the clan club throughout Korea to promote the new kind of beer you are making?" I looked up from the papers to see him nod curtly and then I looked down again.

"The clan is the name and you have three different flavors of beers, lost, guilty and beautiful," I looked up at them again and Jooheon was grinning widely.

"Yes, the idea came from us all. The beer bottles are different in colors too. With different natural flavors. But we only started the franchise hence many people don't know about it yet."

Upon hearing Jooheon's words I figured why they had sent a free carton of beer samples to my previous working place, they wanted publicity.

I nodded to myself as my fingers ran down the smooth surface of the paper on my hand, outlining the word seven now. They already had seven outlets of the clan club over the country, the biggest was the one from Gaphae. If they wanted to make the beer franchise happen it could be possible, but I had other questions.

"Making beers has been going for about a year now, you only launched it six months ago," I closed off the file and let it rest on the table. "What used to happen before? And still are happening on a surface level?"

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