12: The craziest day

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No need to be cautiousjust be my companion

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No need to be cautious
just be my companion

-Pirate king, Ateez

Wonho laid on the floor with dark red liquid pooling on his sweater. Blood.

My breath hitched as I fell on my knees next to him, my eyes examining in horror how he was still conscious, in fact, his eyes were fully open and I could hear him muttering swear words under his breath.

"You fucker!" Changkyun screamed, Wonho sat uptight and my eyes followed where the black car was passing by with its window rolled down and the glasses guy behind laughing maniacally showing off his middle finger to us as he drove by.

"That shit scared the hell outta me..." Jooheon's voice wavered in the thick air.

"At least we got what we came for and the security camera here definitely picked up his prank," I could hear Changkyun speaking but none of that mattered much as I was still under a trance, trying to process what had just happened here.

My eyes were stuck on the turquoise hair now tainted with bloody red, from the side of his face, to his hair and a big part of sweater colored in blood, his own eyes were transfixed on his chest where it was the reddest, where it hit him.

Then he looked at me. "Are you okay?"

There was a genuine look of concern, cautiousness on his voice and I wondered why. My question was the same but it was for him- if he was okay.

"That douchebag knows no better coming at us with a paintball gun, was he honestly on his right mind!" By the time Jooheon was rambling nonstop Wonho had stood up from the ground and pulled me up as well by the arm.

"You did not have to be so dramatic and fell on the ground, you know?" Changkyun sighed next to us but with a briefcase in his hands, the briefcase the man had left. "Now what do we do with this bloody paint on you?"

"Man I swear Kim Taehyung and his tactics and I swear if I get him next time!" Jooheon grunted as he joined us. He took an observing look at me then Wonho.

"By the way hyung?" The black haired male's eyes never left Wonho's outfit as he spoke. "Wasn't that turtleneck your favorite piece of Dior?"

Changkyun turned to Jooheon and then to me. "And that cost a thousand dollars from what I know."

With that my throat went dry, that psychedelic sweater cost more than my kidneys and Wonho just ruined it trying to save me from some paints.

"Can we just get something to eat first?" A loud sound of grumble came from the very man who had spoken about food, the man with a thousand dollar Dior wasted in bloody red.


When we sat in a nearby restaurant and I had a can of Pepsi to quench my parched throat Changkyun sat beside me with his black leather jacket resting on his lap, his painted nails scrolling through his phone again. I could not help but stare at his nonchalant face, wondering if piercing his eyebrow hurt a lot.

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