17: Two sides

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Then we fall into the oceanI might have to call you again

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Then we fall into the ocean
I might have to call you again

-Horizon, I.M

Mondays were the worst.

Because the English language club held its activities on that very day of the week. As if it was already not stressful, the boys added a load of their bullshit on top of my head.

"There are even less people in the club now," Haneul murmured close to my ear making me flinch on my seat. "Did you notice?"

Every club meeting the members would decrease in numbers but I thought it was only me who ever paid attention to that.

Haneul's doe eyes behind those glasses of hers scanned my face for an answer. When she saw me sit silently she brought her face even closer and I could count the red freckles dotted on her small face.

"Some seniors from the other clubs warned me that the English club wouldn't be fun. The club hosts are as strick as teachers, that's why they had a number of fallout," Haneul whispered, her eyes darting back to the front for a second before meeting mine again. "The same thing happened last year."

"Kang Daisy." The sharp tone in the accent told me it was Changkyun.

Haneul fell silent and I stood up. For a brief second my eyes met Minhyuk who was standing beside Changkyun. The latter holding a sheet of paper in his hand, the white sleeves of his button down rolled up to his arms.

Minhyuk gave me a close mouthed smile. Changkyun fixed his glasses before massaging his temple.

"Daisy, can you come here and talk elaborately on what you wrote." Changkyun flipped the page, holding it and showing it to the crowd.

"What made you want to learn English, the question was that but you only wrote movies." He bit his lower lip and held it close to his eyes again, scrunching up his eyebrows.

"And anime. That's two words. You only wrote two words," I could hear Changkyun's incoherent sigh even from afar.

Haneul shifted beside me. "They are indeed too strict."

Brushing my clammy hands on my sweatshirt I went up to the boys in the front sitting there facing us. In the middle of them sat Wonho who gave me a nervous smile.

After walking up to them I faced the crowd. Which looked like it merely consisted of fifty people or less. Haneul had her hands clasped together before her chest as she gave me light nod. And then, suddenly everything became blurry.

The little amount of people felt like a sea of mass people staring at me. And I felt like an ant under a giant's foot that was quickly approaching to crush me down.

It was too silent. My breathing had fastened up. "Please try to say your answer in English too," I could hear someone say, probably Changkyun but I could not care, my ears were buzzing.

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