I sigh," yeah he is gone."

I feel that feeling of greed I get every time he leaves. I want more time with him.

She sat down right beside me,"so.. nothing happened right?"

I smile,"nothing like that happened."

She uncovers her eyes," just remember you took an oath."

I laugh," I never took any oath."

"Well you should have," she puts up her right hand," repeat after me, I swear."

"I'm not doing this."

She doesn't care she just keeps going,"To not do it with a guy until you have at least been on 3 dates."

"Are you trying to call me a slut? I am not one of those people!"

"Just say it!" She yells.

"I'm not going to say it!"

"Just say you swear!"

"I swear!' I yell," are you happy now?!

"Wow, you are really not a morning person!"

I put my head into my hands,"Courtney, I love you, but sometimes I think you are crazy."

"Extremely crazy!"

We start to laugh at the same time until I remember the present I got Courtney. I run over to the drawer. I grab a tinny blue box out from the desk.

"I know it's a little late but here."

She starts to open it." I love it! Thank you!""

"Your welcome!"

I got her a tinny blue ring that has a little light blue rock in the middle.

She hugs me. "Well I should probably leave so you can get ready"

"Okay, bye Courtney."

"Make sure you look pretty for James."

"Shut up Courtney. There is nothing going on between us!"

"Okay, but I better get to say I told you so at your wedding."

"Bye Courtney."

When she leaves I realize that I do want to look really pretty today. What is he doing to me!?! Ugghh!!! I don't think I can ignore my feelings about him any more."

I put on a pair of shorts. And a black tank-top. I like black clothes. Don't judge me!!! I put my hair in a pony tail and I put on a pair of boots. I put on some lip-gloss to make them stand out. Then I put on a hanging belt. that's a belt that droops down at the sides. Also, I put a pearl neckless on with red hoops.

I walk up to the deck and to my surprise there was only a few people up there. I yawn and walk over to the side and just sit on the ledge with my feet hanging down off of the side. I realized that all these people are staring at me like I'm about to commit suicide so I bring my legs back over the ledge.

I start to walk around to find people but I can't find any one. It's not like they could leave since we are in the middle of the ocean. I walk back to the lower level and I could here people talking so I followed the voices. I kept walking and I found another flight of stairs going down.

Before I fully go down the stairs I peak around the corner and I notice every one in a big group.

Being as tinny as I am I go through the crowd of people easily. I can feel a bunch of eyes on me. What's going on?

The Captain ( Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now