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Hi bitches!
I hope you'll join me on this journey and you'll love this book as much as I do☺️

The loud music combined with everyone's screams and the amount of alcohol you had consumed, were no help to your one hell of a headache.

You sat in front of the bar and supported your head on your hand, massaging it at times in order to ease the pain.
"Can I have some water please?" you suddenly heard a deep voice and saw a male figure sitting next to you.
But tbh you were too drunk to give a shit.
You so longed your fluffy bed right now.
You just hoped your friends would tell you it's time to leave as soon as possible.

The bartender gave the man a glass of water only to hand it over to you.
"drink this. You don't look so good" he said.
You looked up at him, more like glared at him, before you chugged the whole thing.
"not the best compliment" you said playfully as you shut your eyes and massaged your head once again.
"well then I could say you look pretty...drunk" he said ruining the mood just as you thought he actually flirted with you.
"I'm fine as long as I can walk" you said before you tried to stand up in order to walk away but your feet abandoned you.
Fortunately or unfortunately the man was quick to catch you.
He held your body so close to his that you were only one breath away.
You looked up hesitantly to find him already staring at your eyes intensely..

It was a normal Saturday night like any other.
Only this time your friends, Mia and Soojin, wanted to make you leave the comfort of your blankets and Netflix and go clubbing.
Long story short, they eventually got what they wanted and now here you are, getting drunk while waiting for them to get bored of the guys they just met and were dancing and drinking with.

..You cleared your throat, interrupting the super awkward moment.
The man loosened his grip allowing you to step back.
"I am Changkyun" he introduced himself.
"Y/N" you simply replied as your eyes searched through the whole place but no sign of Mia or Soojin.
"I should go find my friends now thanks for the water" you said and took a few steps forward but started feeling dizzy again.
You suddenly felt a hand sneaking around your waist and you looked on your side to find Changkyun.
"You can't even walk properly, let me accompany you until you find them"
You only nodded in response, feeling too weak to even let out a word.

You looked around the whole place but nothing.
Then your phone started ringing and you walked out of the club to pick it up.
You saw Soojin's name on the screen and immediately picked it up.
"Where the hell are you??"
"Ohhhh myyyyy gaawwwd! Don't tell me we forgot you at the club?? HAHHAHAHHAHAHAHA" Soojin burst out laughing, pissing you off even more.
"how the f-"
"don't worry I'll tell Mia to come pick you u-HAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA" she said between her own laughter.
"no! Don't! I'll get a taxi you guys are wasted...we'll talk tomorrow now go to bed" you said.
"okie dokieeee hahaha" Soojin said all giggly before she hung up.
You threw your phone back in your purse letting out a sigh of frustration.
"Looks like you're stuck with me" Changkyun said making you look at him and chuckle.
You almost forgot about him.
"why do I have such dumb friends??" you questioned dramatically earning a laugh from him.
"you're lucky it's me and not some perv right now" he said and you lifted an eyebrow playfully.
"how do I know you aren't a perv?"
"you don't" he replied and you both laughed.
"I should call a taxi it's getting late" you said but before you could open your purse, Changkyun grabbed your hand.
You looked at his hand and then at his eyes.
You examined his face as he spoke.
He had this cold facial expression, sharp features and a deep ass voice.
Most people would find him intimidating.
But his eyes were warm and full of sparkles.

"Exactly because it is late I won't let you get a taxi. What if a perv old man drives it?" he said and you laughed.
"And what should I do? Walk home?" you asked sarcastically.
"No let me give you a ride" he suggested making you roll your eyes.
"I just met you not even an hour ago. How is this any safer than getting a taxi?" you asked.
"well...yeah maybe you have a point but...I have good intentions...I mean I wouldn't want to harm such a pretty face" he said with a smirk.
You couldn't help but blush and let out a shy chuckle.
"well thank you" you said smiling cheekily.
"so?" he asked waiting for an answer.
"okay" you said hesitantly and he looked satisfied with your answer.
"come on then" Changkyun said as he started walking towards his car.
You started following after him but your feet soon felt numb again.
Only this time your whole body felt so too.
"Y/N?" Changkyun called for you as you stood still trying to find balance.
But your body gave up.
Your eyes fell heavy before you could speak a word or make a move.
And everything went black..

Hard To Love | Monsta X vampire auWhere stories live. Discover now