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A lot had happened during the week that Q was in her cryogenic state. Not that she was aware of that. Of what the country of Wakanda went through after she had gone under the ice. How a dead Klaue was delivered to their doorstep, setting off an intense chain of events. No; she woke up to peace and warmth, and with three curious children staring down at her.

"What the fuck?" she slurred out as her brows immediately furrowed at the almost horrifying sight of children in face paint staring down at her. Her reaction caused a ripple of giggles to erupt from the children - which made it all the more terrifying. Shifting as much as she could, she tried to push herself away from them, but still they followed. Smiles on their faces, eyes bright with interest, she knew they weren't there to harm her, but it still did nothing to relieve her uneasiness. There was a noise sounding like a flap being pushed aside that was enough to get the children's attention.

"I told you what would happen if I caught you in here again," a familiar voice filled the hut. Though the threat was clear, it was apparent that it was pretty empty. There was no malice or anger behind the words. The children shrieked in surprise then scattered away from her. All tangling up in each other as they tried to push past each other in an effort to get out first, while their giggles followed them.

"This is the third time I've caught them in here since I woke up." Bucky sounded almost amused by something that terrified Q a bit - being watched while she slept, "They watched me too." he glanced at her, sensing her fear, "I think they're just curious." he moved around the hut like he knew where things were. A bucket in the corner that he filled a small bowl with before turning to pass it off to her. A small chair that he could sit in across from her, one that looked worn in as if someone had been sitting there before.

Finally sitting up, she took the bowl from him to cup in her hands and bring to her lips. The water was cold against her chapped lips and, while she wasn't usually one to drink water, she couldn't help but gulp it down. She didn't know how long it had been since she had some sort of liquid in her body.

"How are you feeling?" If she had had a brief lapse in memory, his question brought her back rather quickly. The chamber, the coldness of the nitrogen seeping into her body, and the brief darkness of her unconscious state before the dreams took over. All to help Bucky.

While she knew she was supposed to be doing a self-assessment, she couldn't help but do a once over on Bucky. She knew from the moment he spoke that something was different; the tone of his voice was more casual, less burdened or careful. Seeing him only confirmed that Shuri had done what she promised. He was sitting on the makeshift chair in a blue tunic with a green scarf-like piece of fabric tied over his chest and covering his left shoulder completely. The position was comfortable, gaze still focused on her but it was softer than before. No longer was he on alert for any sort of threat to appear. His hair was tied back in a man-bun and his facial hair had grown out even more. She might not have known him as the Bucky Barnes he was, but she figured this was the closest she would ever get.

Shifting her focus onto herself, she tried to answer his question. Half of her was expecting to wake up with a pounding headache - something to tell her that work had been done. That she was cured. Yet, she felt almost the same as she had when she went into the ice. Just a little more well-rested. It had been the first time in a long time that she had gotten a peaceful night's sleep. There were vague fragments of dreams, but they felt like memories. Or feelings.

"Lighter." she settled on her answer, finding the right word. There may not have been a pounding headache, but there was space in her head that had been previously rented out by Hydra and whatever they had put in there. There had been a weight she hadn't realized that was pressing down on her head. until it was gone. Bucky nodded somberly, letting her know that his reaction was similar.

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