going around in circles

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"They're still in there?" The question was rhetorical; Dawson had walked by the conference room where Steve, Natasha, Sam and the rest of the Avengers team had been meeting with Secretary Ross. That, and the walls were all made of glass. Easy to see in, easy to see out. Still, Q nodded and continued to flip through the magazine she had been distracting herself with for the last hour. The government official and his lackeys, along with Tony Stark, had ushered the team into the conference room with formal and terse greetings.

"Know what they're talking about?" Unlike the first question, the follow-up required an answer. Discarding the magazine, she shifted her attention to where Dawson was dumping coffee grounds into the garbage disposal.

"The Accords." she replied as he went about making a new pot of coffee in the French Press. Both of them knew what the Accords were about, hell it was the reason they had come back in the first place. She just wasn't expecting Ross to be the one who delivered the documents.

"About time." he sighed, sounding almost relieved. It had been over a month since they arrived at the compound. Both of them were starting to wonder if the Accords were actually going to be a thing, or another false threat from the government. "What happened in Lagos finally pushed the other countries to sign, huh?"

"Apparently." Raising her eyebrows up, her head turned in the direction of the conference room Steve and the others were in. Neither Q or Dawson had been invited to the meeting - not surprising either of them considering they weren't Avengers. Though the Accords would still concern Q, if anyone were to find out about her time in the Hydra facility.

"Good." he made a face and picked up his coffee mug, "This is good." A puzzled expression appeared on her face as he settled onto the couch next to her.

"You think the Accords are a good thing?" she voiced her confusion, which made him pause mid-sip.

"I guess...Maybe." he answered vaguely, gaze shifting over to her, "You don't?" His question made her pause for a moment, considering it for a second.

"I...don't know." she settled on while her eyes flicked over his shoulder to the direction of the conference room, "Steve definitely won't." she knew that much to be true. Thoughts of Hydra infiltrating SHIELD without anyone noticing and using the division to their advantage flitted through her head. Steve, and she, had no idea until it was too late. She wondered how many ops were Hydra controlled, how many innocent lives had been lost, and how many times had she helped further Hydra's plan because of her blind devotion to SHIELD. The agency may not have always followed the moral high ground, but Steve did.

"Nat might." he pulled down the corners of his mouth as he considered what side his quasi-girlfriend would choose. Not that she was one for following along with government orders, but she was one for self-preservation. The Accords would be the closest thing to it at this point.

Before either one of them could say anything else on the matter, Q spotted Secretary Ross walking away from the conference room with his personnel, "I don't like Ross."

"Who does?" he scoffed, both of them were well aware of the shit Ross had done prior to meeting with the Avengers. Like the project he led that illegally experimented on prisoners or how he lied to Dr. Banner which led to him becoming the Hulk. He was just like every politician in Washington: dirty and self-serving. "Looks like the meeting's over though." he took in a breath, like he was preparing himself for what was about to happen.

A few moments passed before the rest of the Avengers filed out either one after the other or paired off. Sam was talking quietly with Steve, gesturing a bit to get his point across and Steve nodded to show he agreed. The group was headed straight for the common area where Dawson and Q had been sitting for the last hour. With all the different types of personalities in the room, the subject of the Accords would turn into a debate.

Reality in Motionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن