get the hell out of dodge

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Chapter 38: get the hell out of dodge

In front of him, the main screen was split up into four, equal, smaller screens. Each quadrant showed a different angle of the room, but still showing the young lady who sat in the center of the long rectangular table. She seemed to be the main focus of the cameras. He was able to use the arrows on the board that was attached to the screen to select a different quadrant. That way he could enlarge a specific section and have it take over the whole screen. This was useful. He would be able to see more details.

While he knew how to work what sat in front of him, the Man didn't understand this technology. He was wowed by it; He had never seen anything like it. It was smaller than a television, but had the same properties as one. It wasn't a typewriter, but again, it had the same properties as one. Almost like the two had been combined to make one - but was it a smaller television or a sleeker designed typewriter? He wanted to pick it apart and see what it was made of. Foolish. This was a tool. A tool designed to help him find answers he needed in order to take down his enemy. Nothing more.

Shaking his head slightly, he forced the Man back into the darkness. He was not allowed to try to come out during such times. He knew this. Stupid. The Man was never one to listen well and always seemed to try and fight to have control. Idiot. That's why They always let him be in charge. He knew how to get the job done, knew how not to be distracted by the Man, - he was Their greatest asset.

He returned his attention back to the four screens. Back to the women in the professional looking outfit. In each of them, simultaneously, she reached for the glass of water in front of her. Quickly, she chugged it, then poured herself another glass before repeating the action. She was nervous. Her leg bounced in a sporadic rhythm and her fingers drummed against the table. The sound was beginning to pound against his mind, similar to the dull thud of one of the various contraptions They put him in when the Man acted out. Annoying.

His eyes scanned the keys on the board for a way to mute the noise she was making. The Man buzzed in the back of his head, carefully offering up a small memory of a radio with a symbol on it that was used for the volume. There was a similar symbol on the board in front of him and, after he pressed it, the thumping of her fingers stopped. It had worked. Useful.

He memorized the button he pushed; he would need to unmute the sound again later. Currently, it was just the young woman in the room. Soon she would be joined by one of Them in order to be questioned about his mark. The man he had seen on the roof after completing his mission. It seemed she was unaware of the cameras in the room - or maybe she just didn't care enough. Her mind seemed to be elsewhere anyway. Her eyes kept flicking to the door, her hands twisting against each other. She clearly didn't know what was going on. Odd.

The Man was nudging at him from just under the surface. He tried to silence Him; he needed to focus on the young woman on the screen, but the Man wouldn't let him. He couldn't divulge in whatever the Man was trying to tell him. He was supposed to be focusing on more important matters, not these silly games. But still the Man wouldn't retreat.

Because she's familiar.

No, she wasn't. Not to him. He didn't know anyone except Them and the Man, who wasn't usually this annoying. While he was in charge, the Man was muted, never made a fuss and just accepted what was happening. Because He was weak. There was a reason They kept him in charge. And now He was trying to take control? All because of some woman? Goddamnit.

The plates in the metal arm shifted as it moved on it's own accord. The Man had figured out a way in. Before He could do anything stupid or reckless, he shoved the Man back into his place, where He belonged. Extending the arm again, the plates whirred and moved as it reacted to him. Good. He was back in charge. Why was the Man being so stubborn?

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