for the best

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Apparently, there was a lot that was great about Wakanda. Just flying through the border into the secret city was enough to take her breath away. The savanna grassland of Africa was replaced with a city that no one knew existed. One that was miles ahead of the rest of the world in regards to technological and medical advancements.

The city itself was beautiful - nestled among the green mountains, the tall buildings shimmered in the morning sun. Other high tech jets gently flew through the city, making no noise nor emitting any sort of fumes. From where she stood by the window of the palace's medical wing, she could look down to see the bustling community made up of tribes that all contributed to the greater good of the country. Despite how intense the city seemed upon their arrival, being there was, weirdly, incredibly peaceful.

Q could understand why the citizens had decided to keep Wakanda a secret from the rest of the world. The country was incredibly advanced in many ways, which could lead to them being taken advantage of by the rest of the world. It had been before, when Howard Stark had taken the apparent last source of vibranium from it to make Steve's shield. Though that turned out to be a lie. Still, better to play it safe than to be sorry again.

Q hadn't had much time to explore the city - nor did she think she would get the chance to; once they landed in Wakanda, it was a bit of a whirlwind. Introductions were made to the Queen of Wakanda - a kind woman, who was also incredibly intimidating at the same time. Then, each of them were shown to small rooms within the palace, splitting them up a bit. The room was almost like a mini guest room; there was a bed, nightstand, a window that overlooked some of the city, and even a shower for her to use. Plus, a change of clothes was laid neatly out for her at the foot of the bed. Nothing fancy, just a pair of light, breathable pants that were cuffed at the ankle along with a plain, short sleeved shirt that came to rest just above the waistband of the pants. She was a bit taller than they had realized. Still, it felt nice to be able to take the time to shower off the stench leftover from her time in the Raft, and the stress of the last few days. She had left the terrible, scratchy Raft uniform in the trash bin of the room, not wanting to see it or be reminded of her time there ever again.

After she had showered and changed, a knock at the door signaled someone's arrival. It couldn't have been Steve; he had stayed with T'Challa to go down to the medical wing to check on Bucky. Something she would have to wait to do. So she opened the door carefully, only to find a palace aid with a tray of food in his hands. At the sight of the warm, fresh food, her stomach growled, causing a slight blush of embarrassment from her and a small, amused smile from the aid.

Q couldn't remember the last time she had a fresh, homemade meal. Not since Peggy's funeral at least. Even though she ignored the brightly colored vegetables, the rest of the meal was unlike anything she had ever had. There wasn't a lot, but what was there had filled her.

Deciding to play it safe and stay in her room, she waited until someone else knocked on her door. This time, it was Steve - relieving her a bit; there was a small part of her that was thinking that the worst would happen. That Steve would've left her in Wakanda with no other explanation. Not that it would be a bad thing to stay in Wakanda, but she didn't want him to leave her without talking.

Though they hadn't had much of a chance to talk then either. Steve had come to give her an update on Bucky: he had decided to go back into the ice until there was a way to get the Hydra triggers out of his head. Even with the technological and medical advancements, the triggers were buried deep in Bucky's head. Over seventy years of wiring and rewiring had been done, layers upon layers had been put down. The triggers had made a home in his head, engrained themselves inside his subconsciousness. Obviously, it wasn't going to be super simple to remove them.

"You sure about this?" Steve's voice got her to turn away from the window, and return her attention to what was going on in front of her. The medical wing wasn't as busy as the rest of the palace, but there were still a few techs and nurses roaming about. All of them focused on the same patient: Bucky.

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