emotional torture

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Originally, she was supposed to be grouped with the other volunteers who arrived at the facility that day. She was just another body they could study, use and abuse under the guise of research - really furthering their advancements in the creation of enhanced species. Nothing special. And everyone in the facility thought just that until one of the scientists recognized her during the intake scan.

Her face matched a picture from the SHIELD database leak that had spread across the world months prior. One that a few people in the facility combed through in detail just to make sure no one was aware of their project. Making sure that at least a few Hydra secrets were still kept under wraps (their project was left undiscovered thankfully). A few more clicks pulled up her entire SHIELD file, letting them read about things that weren't previously public knowledge. Never had they had an ex-SHIELD agent in their hands before...

Which was why von Strucker decided he wanted to deal with her personally. She could be useful to them; giving them information on the now collapsed government organization and whatever sorts of partnerships they had. Information on known associates and missions that were still active even though the division was no longer in charge. And if not, he was sure they could find something else to use her for.

As if the SHIELD connection wasn't surprising enough, there was another connection that made their new guest all the more enticing. During the evaluation, the techs found that her DNA contained markers similar to a previous subject Hydra had experimented on. The original soldier in the Soldier Project. It was a faint, only about fifteen percent match, but it was enough to prick his interest in the woman. His plan formulated from there.

It could've been hours, days, weeks, or months, Q really wasn't sure. All she knew was that she was trapped in the Hydra facility, still strapped to the chair she had woken up in. The only time she was ever unstrapped was when she needed to use the restroom, but her hands were tied behind her back and she wasn't ever left by herself. She wasn't even sure she'd be able to do anything if she was ever alone. Von Strucker - the man with the monocle - was a Hydra scientist and had developed a special interest in Q for what she assumed was because of her ties with SHIELD. His team started poking and prodding her, attaching wires all along her body to monitor activity and began pumping her with some sort of blue liquid that made her head hurt even more than the bright light that had been shining on her face ever since she woke up.

She had tried to fight it, of course. Tried to get out of the restraints, making the skin around her wrists raw. Bit and headbutted anyone who came close to her. Screamed so loudly and for so long that her throat felt like it was on fire. But it was no use; no one was letting her out and no one could hear her screams - or even if they could, no one cared.

All von Strucker cared about was making her talk. At first, Q didn't understand why he wanted to talk about the organization that had collapsed months prior. All the information he could ever want was out there on the world wide web - some encrypted yes, but still available for him. Then she realized he wanted to get specific. Learn about the things she had seen and read during her time analyzing the Avengers and their counterparts. Discover things that were so classified they were kept out of the database. Like the farm she had set up for Barton and his family, which she had been able to keep under wraps, despite the tactics von Strucker used.

SHIELD had forced all of their recruits to go through the proper training in case they were ever in a situation like the one she was currently in now. Though all of the simulations were predictable - this was not. None of Fury's training modules had prepared her for the electroshock therapy she had endured first, or the nails being pushed under her fingernails that had come after, or the red hot wires that were wrapped around her wrists, cutting the skin deep enough to leave scars - and nothing had prepared her for the young woman who walked through the door after all that. From the way the guards moved with her, it was clear that all that happened before was just an appetizer. Whatever the woman was about to do to her was the main course.

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