seventy-two hours before

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It had been two years since the attack on New York City. Her reports had been filed and stored away, but her job wasn't even close to being finished. What happened in New York had royally screwed up most of the Avengers and those that stayed on Earth needed to be cleared in case there was ever another attack. For the next two years, she was supposed to be cross referencing their information with the massive SHIELD database - finding any patterns or trends that could help them help the Avengers.

But it wasn't like she was having face to face contact with the Avengers, oh no. It didn't matter how long she had been at SHIELD (since she was nineteen); she mainly worked behind the scenes. Everything she found she sent to her supervisor, who passed them along to the correct people.

So of course, when Q found someone connected to Captain America - she was never comfortable with calling them by their actual names; she didn't know them like that, it was sent to her supervisor. Considering who the person was, he double checked with her to make sure she was sure - she was. It took a lot of digging through records and photo identifications, but it was the correct person. The information was passed along and she didn't think about it again, moving on to the next one her list.

A few weeks later, a file folder slid to a stop on the desk in front of the SHIELD analyst. VAN WINKLE was stamped across the front of the tan file folder in large black capital letters, staring up at her almost intimidatingly. Her brown eyes flicked up from the folder to meet the Director Fury's serious look.

Eyes never leaving Fury's, her brow knitted in confusion as she slowly reached for the folder, picking it off of her director's desk. She kept the folder closed, noticing there was some weight to whatever was inside. She glanced back down to look at the front of the folder again before looking back up at Fury. There was a beat of silence before Q opened her mouth, finally reacting to what he had said,

"I'm sorry, what?"

"What part of you're being transferred don't you understand?" Fury asked back, his tone making it clear that Q had just asked a very stupid question.

"Just the where and when." She replied, raising her eyebrows up. Fury gave her an unamused look before glancing to the folder in Q's hand.

She pulled her chin in and looked back down at the folder, extending her arms slightly to read the text again. Glancing back up at Fury, she gave him a slightly embarrassed smile before opening it up. No matter how close she and him were, she was in uncharted territory and felt herself reverting back to the naive SHIELD recruit she once was. She thumbed through the file folder, looking through the contents as Fury explained,

"After the attack on New York, we found out that Captain America has not been adjusting well to the 21st century." He spoke as he sat back down in his chair, leaning back so that he was in a more relaxed position. Q glanced over the folder at him, her brow furrowed in confusion once more; she didn't totally understand what she had to do with it.

Working at SHIELD had given Q basic access to the world's Avengers, especially after the attack on New York, but all she had was basic information and post op debriefs that were conducted by others, never once working side by side with them or directly with them. The closest she had come was once giving intel to The Black Widow - and even that was a special occasion.

"He is relocating to here in DC and you are being assigned to him as a personal analyst." Fury continued, knowing that even if all of the details weren't smoothed out with Rogers that it was more than likely he would be agreeing to them, "You'll be doing everything from giving him psychological assessments to getting him Chinese takeout." Fury chuckled at the thought of Captain America eating take out. Q wasn't as amused, her mouth opening slightly as she tried to wrap her head around it. She was being assigned to watch over Captain America, Captain. America. The man who had saved the world before she was even born and once more after the fact. Why in the world did he need her?

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