Dramatic Entrance Much?

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I froze. Literally froze. Like a burgerler caught by the policeman's flashlight at the scene of the crime.

"What the hell!" I heard the voice say from the door. I pushed Ian away and slowly turned my head to the mysterious person.

"Holy shit Rhiver? Ian?" Brian said dropping his bags as well as his jaw.

"Brian!" Ian screamed and staggered over to him.

Brian raised his eyebrow as Ian hugged him.

"Dude your drunk." he laughed and carefully set him down on the bed.

Brian Puspos. Best Friend of Ian and also a member of MosWanted crew. He can make anyone and everyone laugh. I think that's what I like most about him because he is the one who usually cheers me up when im having a bad day. He was back in the states working at his studio. And what a perfect time it is for him to come visit us!

"This isn't what it looks like!" I said still stunned at what Just happened. I sobered up right when the door opened. As for Ian, he was still drunk as a skunk, if a skunk could get wasted.

"Im pretty sure it is exactly what it looks like. You were totally hooking up! Tongue to tongue! Spit swapping!" Brian said cracking up.

"Well thanks for stopping us from going any farther..." I rubbed my head suddenly feeling a cold sweat.

"Oh don't give me that crap, you would have totally done it even if I didn't barge in on you two."

"No way. We aren't like that. I mean... I don't know! Stop asking questions!"

"It wasn't a question."

"Ok ok... Do you think he will remember what happened?" I said panicking.

"I highly doubt it the way he looks right now."

We both looked at Ian who was staring at his hands and making a confused face.

"When did I get 10 fingers... I just...just love you guys man!" Ian exclaimed trying to get off the bed but instead, dramatically falls on the floor.

"I'll help him up.." Brian said getting on the floor.

"You do that while I go straighten something out!" I said running to the door.

"Wait...what?! No welcome back Brian? No hugs? Kisses?"


"AWW IAN DON'T PUKE PLEASE!" was all i heard before closing the door and making my way to get my money.


I took in a deep breath as I dialed the numbers to my mothers house. The air was warm but had a slight chill to it that made me shiver.

I hated asking my mother for favors let alone asking anyone for favors. And the worst part... it was about her lending me some money. I already had about $30,000 in my bank account from all of the videos i choreographed. If she could just lend me some kind of spare change maybe it could to some good.

As i dialed the last three buttons i held the phone up to my ear, hoping she would be home. I counted the rings.


I jumped at the sound of her voice. She sounded tired. But then i remembered...it was a totally different time zone here!


"Rhiver? Why are you calling at this time?! I haven't heard from you in four days! You had me worried sick!" She said, raising her voice louder after every sentence.

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