Turning Point.

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Joey sat on the edge of my bed picking out pieces of colored paper from a blue folder that had flaming car stickers all over the front cover.

"So how about this one?" Joey said holding up a painting of car driving on a purple road. He insisted he should hang a painting on my wall to make me feel better.

Joey has visited me everyday for the past few weeks and has actually made me stronger.

"Nah, next one!" I said popping a grape into my mouth.

"What about this?!" He said holding up a painting of a girl with red crayon hair in a wheelchair holding hands with a boy with yellow paint hair carrying an oxygen tank.

"Is that us?" I said holding the picture in my hand.

"Duh." He said flipping through his other various artworks.

I smiled and traced my finger over the splotched paint marks and scribbled crayon.

"I like this one." I said holding it out in front of me.

He carefully took the painting and taped it on the wall of the hospital room.

"Looks good!" I said admiring the piece of colorful paper on the bland beige tiled wall.

"Rhiver we are friends right?" Joey said placing his hand on my bed.

"Of course. Why would you ask that?" I said raising an eyebrow.

"Just making sure. I hope you come visit me when you get out of here." He said crossing his legs and changing the channel on the tv in front of him.

"I will." I smiled.

"Promise?" He said looking away from the tv and now staring directly at me.

"Cross my heart."

"You also should promise to keep that painting with you. Just to remember me!"

"I will. Ill keep it with me forever."

"Good because that took me a long time to color!" We both laughed and continued watching the movie he now switched to on the tv.


Having support from Ian, my mom, Pat, and everyone at the studio has made such an impact that I actually have feeling in my legs.

I was doing my daily exercises like always and have seen a lot of improvement since I have been here. I have control of my lower legs and toes now and have some feeling on my thighs. But I am able to walk with some support which is a good sign.

"This is a miracle I have to say." One of the rehabilitation doctors said.

I stood between the two bars that held my support as I walked back and forth, clenching the rails as I went.

"So what do you think?" I said finishing my last lap.

"About?" He said raising an eyebrow.

"Will I be able to walk if I keep practicing?" I said shuffling myself over to where he stood.

"I think you will be able to get back to your old self in a short few months." He beamed and wrote a couple of notes on his clipboard.

I left out a sigh of relief and continued the last few laps I had between the poles.


"So?" Ian said as I crutched through the door.

"He said that ill be back on my feet in a few months." I smiled.

"Oh my god thats amazing!" He said and brought me into his embrace.

"I have to call my mom." I said taking my cellphone from my bed.

She left a week back because of her job and she needed to take care of the house.

After the exhausting phone call I hung up the phone and returned to my bed.

"Rhiver." Ian said plopping himself next to me on the bed. This has become a regular thing for us.


"I want to get something off of my chest." He said letting out a breath.


"Remember when we first met?"

"Of course." I said, positioning myself to face him directly.

"Well I think that was the first time I fell in love with you."

I silently stared at him, not wanting to make even the slightest noise. I think I was waiting for a 'Ha ha im just kidding' but there was none.

"Ian, I-"

"No wait. I love the way you get upset when people correct you. I love the way you scrunch your nose when you laugh or when something is really funny you make this kind of silent laugh that sounds like you're choking." He chuckled.

"I love the way your hair looks when its placed in a messy bun and how you leave those two little strands of hair so you can twirl them with your fingers when you get bored or nervous. I love the way you bite your lip when you're confused and hell, I love the way your lips taste against mine if that sounds normal." He grabbed my hands now making sure I was getting all of this.

"I love when you smile because your face lights up and I love the way you talk because it sounds like you're singing with every word. I love the way you fight for yourself and fight through times like this. I love the way you smell, like those cherries that you put on top of sundaes. I love the sparkle in your eye when you finish a book because you like the feeling of finishing things. I love the way you sip your tea and I love the way you carry yourself around people."

A tear trickled down my cheek.

"I don't know how else to say it Rhiver and I don't know how else to explain it. I am so madly in love with you that I can't sleep at night unless im laying next to you, your hair in my face and my arm around your waist. You're all I think about 24/7 and it makes me nuts because I have never felt this way about anyone."

I placed my hand on his mouth making sure he completely stopped talking.

"I have waited for this for a long time." I grinned and leaned in for The Kiss.

This was not a drunk kiss or an unsure kiss. This was The Kiss. The kiss that made everything true about what he said. The kiss that made my whole body tense up and get goosebumps.

"So I am guessing you feel the same way?" He said in between kisses.

"I wouldn't be kissing you if i didn't right?" I sneered.

"True." He laughed and we fell asleep into each others arms.

That night I fell asleep happy.

Happy. One of the words i have never said in a long time but I am sure of it now.

I am happy.

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