Cash, Kicks, and Snoring sounds

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As me and Ian walked out of the choreographer's room we spotted Pat talking to a pretty student. Now don't get me wrong, I love Pat it's just that he is kind of a player. I saw the girl giggle and flip her hair and Pat lean against the mirror on the wall.

If there is one thing you should know about me, its that I love to be a prankster. It's pretty much all I did when I was here in Germany. I would fill the speakers with flour so when the bass would boom the flour would fly everywhere, I would butter the floors of the shower rooms and fill the soap dispensers with ketchup. Pranking is just in my blood. I cant help it!

Ian already knew I was up to something. Just as I was about to walk to where Pat and the blond ditz was he grabbed my elbow.

"Let him have his moment." He said shaking his head.

"Come on... im harmless!" I said pouting my lips and bringing my hands up to my face under my chin. I giggled and continued to walk over to Pat. I crouched down and crawled to Pat's blind side. I then crouched down and kicked my leg to knock down both of his legs. He then fell with an "Uff". I heaved over in laughter and I could see Ian on the floor laughing as well.

"That' the glass!" I said in between laughs. The girl just huffed away.

"Real mature Rhi." He said and took my head and nouggied it. I pushed him off and huffed.

"Man it must have been really boring without me!" He laughed and took my hand pulling my body up. I punched his stomach and he punched back. Sooner or later we were in an all punching war.

"Now are you gonna show us what you learned or what." Ian said walking over to where me and Pat were "fighting".

"OH YEAH!" I squealed running over to the stereo. I plugged in my Iphone with the cord attachment and searched through my music. I tapped Break Ya Neck by Busta Rhymes since that's what me and Hok-the guy who taught me all of this-used to practice to.

"Rhiver don't hurt yourself." Ian told me over the music. I started to move and side step the floor. Then I went into a windmill and then into a head spin. I coin dropped and corkscrewed to the music. For the finale I tumbled through the air and twisted and landed in a ninja stance.

"Wow. YOU HAVE GOT TO TEACH ME THAT!" Ian said knee sliding towards me.

"Where the hell did you learn that." Pat said with his jaw still dropped.

"Well Hok from Quest Crew toured with us and I asked if he could teach me in between shows." I smiled and breathed heavily.

"You have got to teach a class!" Ian said pulling me up. "Your amazing!"

I blushed and bit my lip.

"It was nothing really." I said staring at my shoes. Just then Mona peeked through the door.

"Rhiver some guy needs to talk to you, he says its important."

Shit. I quickly sprinted to the door and ran to the phone on the desk. I took the phone and put it to my ear.


"Ah my dear lovely it is to hear your voice." The cold man said. I could not talk about our deal in public so I ran to the nearest closet and took the wireless phone with me.

"Listen Earnie I know I still owe you money I just...I just don't have it at the moment."

"Tsk Tsk. That was not something I want to hear." I shivered at each word he said. "But, I like you Rhiver so I'll tell you what...I will give you untill the end of next week to pay me MY money. Do we have a deal?" I heard him take a drag of what I think was his cigar.

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