Story Seven: Seele: part Three

Start from the beginning

"Alex you did it!!" Seele said when Alex got back. Alex sighed and said "No, she is still active. I don't know where she is going and I don't know wha-" He then realized where she was going " She is going into space. I sealed of some of project end's energy in space a few months ago. I have to go. I'll be back soon." Before Alex left Seele said "Before you go." She then gave him a Kiss. "Come back safe." Alex nodded "Will do."

Kiana watched as Liliya Acendend into space followed by Alex a few minutes later. Kiana sighed Started to walk to St Freya as bronya caught up. they did not know that rita was watching however and she was waiting for K-423 to get closer to the others.

Alex could see Liliya in the distance as he broke atmosphere, seeing the darkness of space. He knew where the energy was, he just hoped he could get there before Liliya. After a few minutes of flying he caught upto liliya who said "So, this is now a race huh? Well catch you later." Liliya then took a detour through a nearby asteroid field. "Shit, she is trying to slow me down." Alex then flew into the field in hopes that she could get liliya before she could escape.

Alex was navigate the field with his extreme agility to find Liliya. All attempts to find her failed except for one. He saw Liliya crash through the asteroids. the asteroids split and flew off in different directions. Alex made a beeline straight for liliya while dodging any fragments that came towards him. He was hit in a few instances but shook them off. Alex sped up and got closer to Liliya and eventually going beside Liliya "Found you" Alex said as he grabbed Liliya. Liliya was shocked and threw Alex into an asteroid "I can't get to the sealed of energy with you in my sights, I'll Kill you first."

Kiana and Bronya walked up to Seele and the others who were looking up at the sky. "Hey, you trying to find the two fighting" Said Kiana looking up as well. Mei turned and saw Kiana before running up to her. "Kiana!" She said As she hugged her "You came back!" Kiana smiled "Bronya convinced me, but I can't stay for long. I have things to do." Mei then looked sad "Kiana please stay. If you won't do it for me do it for Theresa or Himeko?" Kiana stepped back "N-no, I can't I'll hurt you, like I hurt her if I stay. I have to go, Alex might need help." Kiana then looked to seele who nodded. Kiana then teleported away before Mei couldn't do anything. Rita watched "Ah, K-423 has gone to fight against the threat. I shall wait till they come down."

Alex and Liliya were fight each other. Alex Attacked Liliya with the asteroids while liliya did the same. Suddenly Kiana appeared and fought Liliya as well. The two then Hit liliya back and forth and then into an asteroid. Liliya then passed out as she saw the come come closer. "Is She ok?" Said Kiana. Alex nodded "Yeah, we just need to get her out of here. Can you help?" Kiana nodded "Yeah, I'll get us down." Kiana then opened her portal and said "Lets go, I'll take hold Liliya for you." Alex nodded and Let kiana take Liliya. Just as Kiana went through an asteroid destroyed the portal. It looked like it shattered into a thousand pieces. "No!" He said he then looked down and sighed "My only option now is to hope that I don't burn up as I fall from the atmosphere." He then flew over above soukai and began to fly towards earth.

Back at St Freya, Kiana appeared holding Liliya and Seele said "Where is Alex?" Kiana was surprised "He was right behind me?" The portal then closed and Seele was in disbelief "N-no he can't be." Kiana set down liliya and Went over to Seele "He'll be fine, I'm sure he'll be back soon." Seele looked up "R-really?" before burying herself in her arms again Kiana smiled "Of course, he is tough enough to take out liliya he can fall to earth intact."

"K-423!" Yelled rita as she jumped down from a ledge Everyone looked up to see rita in her argent knight suit. "You'll be coming with me, and that light blue haired girl as well." Kiana looked at Rita sternly "Not a fucking chance." She said with her her friends backing her up. Rita smiled "Oh well looks like I'll have to do it the hard way." She then Froze everyone except for Kiana, Liliya and Seele. Rita took a step towards Kiana and as she was about to Take Kiana away Seele said "No." Rita turned to see Seele stand up "I won't let you take them." Seele then pulled out her scythe "Fight me first!" She shouted "If I win, you leave. If you win, you get to fight them." Rita smiled "Aw, ok little girl, let's fight."

Rita pulled no punches when fighting Seele, as the two scythe wielders clashed Seele knew she had to win, not only to help Kiana, but she would do it for Alex. Rita smiled as she blocked every attempt of a strike that Seele did. "Ara ara, you are just to predictable." Seele got worried, she needed to keep Rita from taking Kiana and Liliya, but if rita knew what she was going to do she needed an edge.

After a what felt like 10 minutes of flying Alex arrived over soukai. "Alright, Seele I'm coming." he said to himself. He then flew straight down "I hope hasn't been any trouble while I was away."

Seele was knocked back and hit from all sides. She now had bruises and was almost ready to give up. She barely had enough strength to hold up her scythe. As Rita came over, Seele dropped her scythe and Rita was about to do one final blow to Kill Seele.

Seele watched as the scythe came down and before the strike she shut her eyes. After a few seconds however she reopened them to see Alex holding the Scythe by the blade. rita was shocked and Said "Who are you?" Alex Kicked Rita back while still holding the scythe and said "I'm Alex." He then shattered the scythe breaking the blade. "And you should leave." rita saw her shattered scythe and said "Huh, We'll meet again, and next time I'll bring dundral." She said before leaving.

Alex turned to Seele and she saw his hand was slightly red in the palm. "Alex, are you ok, your hand." She said Alex looked at his palm and smiled before looking back to Seele "Ah, it's fine, I'm more worried about you? How are you feeling." Seele smiled "I'm ok, a bit hurt but I should be fine." Alex grabbed Seele's hand "We did it. The world is saved, I am thankful that you were there With me." Seele blushed "Ah, I See, but you did all the work." Alex chuckled "no, you did help me with a lot of things." The two then heard Kiana cough. They turned and Kiana said "I should head off, you remember our deal, I help, I am to be left alone." Alex nodded "I see, well you should go, the others are unfreezing." kiana nodded and teleported away. Leaving Alex and Seele the only ones conscious. 

A few days after the whole thing. It started to settle down. Mei was adamant on finding Kiana although the others advised against it. The twins reunited and Rozaliya forgave Liliya who Liliya is completely clear of anything related to project end. Bronya, Theresa and the scientists started working on going back to the Sea of quantra to find the gem of desire again. As for Seele and Alex, they decided to travel, see the sights of the world.

"Seele, I'm glad I met you." Alex said as the two walked around. Seele smiled and stopped followed by Alex "Ah, I'm glad you feel that way. We do too." Seele said. Her eyes then went red "Yeah, she said the truth." Said Seele. "You've made us work together even though me and her hate each other." Alex chuckled "I see, by the way, what is your name? I assume you have a different name to Seele?" The girl sighed "it's Veliona." Alex looked at Veliona and said "Neat name. Fits you." Veliona blushed "Y-You." She sighed and her eyes went back to blue "Sorry about her, she gets flustered easily. What she wanted to say is 'We love you.' and she is speaking for both of us." The two then laughed as they continued their walked.

End of story 7 

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