"Why do you need to know?" Sakura was getting angrier by the minute. "I don't need to explain my choices to you. This is stupid. I'm leaving."

Sending the text to Ino, Sakura left the park, making sure to roughly brush against Kiba's shoulder before leaving.



It was late in the evening, and the street lights had already flickered to life, illuminating the centre of New York.

Ever since the argument with Sakura, Sasuke had been aimlessly meandering around the busting streets, lost, hands shoved into pockets and a moody expression on his face. 

"Hey, Sasuke Uchiha, right?" a random passerby asked, her brown eyes alight with curiosity. Instantly, she whipped out a camera and a notepad from nowhere. "I was wondering if you could answer some questions. It was reported that your had an public argument with your girlfriend Sakura Haruno. Do you intend to make up or break up?"

"Look," he said tiredly. "I don't really know."

"Is it true that those feminists from France were involved?"

"Not all, but one specific snake, yeah."

"Is this the first argument you've had with Sakura?"

"In this relationship, yeah."

At this point it was turning into a full scale interview. Sasuke usually hated attention and questions from paparazzi, but he was too tired and too empty to push this reporter away.

"So, what's the reason behind the argument? It must be pretty big, considering you're thinking of breaking up over one fight you've had."

"She was ignoring me," Sasuke said, but as he said it aloud he realized how stupid it was. Sakura had already apologized for that. He could just accept that, apologize for what he said and then take Sakura back.

Because when he implied that they were never meant to be together, he knew it would only be true if they stopped fighting. It was only because they fought in they first place that they were able to be together. 

And he wanted to be together with her. Despite the argument and her initial ignorance, Sasuke wanted to be dating Sakura. And that wouldn't happen unless they talked through things together. Which isn't happening right now because Sasuke's off wandering around the streets of New York.

He felt a rush of energy. "Look, I have to go now."

"To make things right?" the reporter smiled. "I thought so. And don't worry, I won't publish the answers from the questions."

"Thank you," Sasuke nodded before hurrying off. He didn't know where he was going, but he didn't care because he couldn't bear to be still anymore. 

An idea popped into his head, and he dialed a number before pressing the phone against his ear.

"Hello," Ino's voice called out. "Sasuke?"


"Is Sakura right now?" Ino finished his sentence before sighing. "I don't know."

Sasuke's brow furrowed. "What do you mean you don't know? Isn't she at the apartment with you?"

"No, she left Central Park to go look for you," Ino replied worriedly. "I thought by now she would've found you. How far did you wander off?"

"I don't know," Sasuke glanced around himself for any familiar street signs, but there were none. "I'm lost. Look, I'll just catch a taxi to the apartment. Sakura has common sense, she'll do the same."

"Alright," Ino replied. Before Sasuke could hang up, she interrupted. "And, Sasuke. One more thing. Are you...are you going to break up with Sakura?"

"Of course not," Sasuke said firmly. "Our relationship is stronger than this. We're not going to break up because of one argument."

Ino sighed relief. "Good, because Sakura would be destroyed. I hope you realize how much influence your actions have to Sakura. Well, I'll see you later."

"See you," Sasuke said before hanging up. Raising his hand, a yellow cab swerved in to pick him up. Sasuke walked in to the car, Ino's words echoing in his mind.

Sakura would be destroyed. 

He regretted implying that they were never meant to be even more now. He regretted even more saying that he didn't trust her.

It was something he said in the heat of the moment. Sasuke hoped she knew that. He hoped that flashbacks from their high school wasn't coming back to haunt her and destroy her from the inside.

"Sir, that'll be forty three bucks," the driver said gruffly, out stretching his hand. Sasuke blinked, realizing that he had zoned off and they had arrived at the apartment. 

"Alright," he nodded, handing over the money before exiting the car. In an instant the yellow vehicle sped off into the distance, but Sasuke wasn't paying attention to that.

A masculine figure with a dog was standing in the doorway, drinking Coke in the street light. Sasuke frowned. "Kiba?"

"Yo," Kiba flashed a toothy grin before chucking the empty Coke can into a nearby bin.

"What're you doing here?" Sasuke demanded.

Kiba chuckled. "Um, I live here?"

"I think you live in a dorm, not on the doorway," Sasuke said coldly.

"Got sick of my dorm mates," shrugged Kiba, walking to Sasuke and slinging an arm around Sasuke's body. "Besides, I want to talk to you."


word count: 1927

not just a pretty face [sasusaku modern au]Where stories live. Discover now