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The acceptance letter from oxford sat on my mind all week, despite the constant "what's up with you?" From Lucas, I found myself not being able to tell him. I knew he would be happy for me..but I can't bare the fact that I might hurt him.

I pondered over whether today was right to tell him or not the whole subway ride. It was now Saturday lunchtime and I had been convincing myself to come over the whole morning. I watched as my feet took me toward his house, stopping on driveway just watching the big house that stood in front of me.

"Maya? Are you coming inside?" Lucas asked opening the door "how did you know I was here?" I asked, my eyes meeting him in front of me "I saw you from the window standing there" he chuckled, pointing up to the window at the front of the house

I smiled softly, coming inside. I took my shoes off and came up to his bedroom with him. Sitting on his bed "maya what's up with you?" He asked, slightly frustrated "nothing, why?" I furrowed my eyebrows, kicking myself for not saying what I need to

"You've been off all week? You can talk to me" he replied, his face softening as he sat down beside me. I sighed "Lucas I got accepted into college" I said quietly, playing with my hands "Maya! That's great why are you sad about that?" He said happily, his smile faltering as he finished his sentence

"Because it's in London..I got accepted into a college in London" I confess, tears threatening to leave my eyes "what..? You applied for a college in London.?" He asked confused "Riley and I have wanted to move to London since we met..we applied ages ago thinking we would never get in" I state, a tear leaking from my eye

"Did Riley get in?" He asked quietly, holding my hand "Yea..we both did" I reply while avoiding his gaze. He sat quietly for a few minutes, I could feel his eyes burning into the side of my face "are you gonna go?" He asked softly. I nodded my head as tears began pouring out of my eyes like rain.

I buried my head in my hands until he took my hands in his again "I'm so proud of you, Maya" he spoke, my head snapping to meet his gaze which was on me "what?" I asked confused "is that why you've been all weird?" He asked, I nodded once again.

Lucas laid me down on his bed, holding me close to him "I'm so so proud of you maya. I would never not support you with this" he spoke lightly, playing with my hair "but-but you're gonna be here in New York" I state as a tear leaked out of his eye "I know..let's just enjoy what we have now" he cried softly

"I don't want to have a time limit on us Lucas" I reply, pulling away from him slightly "no no" he shook his head "that's not what I meant. I meant, let's enjoy now and when the time comes, it comes. Just know that I love you and you're so special to me. I would never have made it through this year without you" he said sweetly, continuing to stroke my hair and tucking it behind my ear

"I love you too" I replied, wrapping my arms around his neck and burying my head close to him. We stayed still for a while, just enjoying being in each others company. "I talked to my mom about Christmas, she said we can go" he spoke up after awhile

"Really? Have you told the others?" I asked curiously while sitting up from my spot beside him. "no..I thought we could go to topangas later on and tell them. I texted them before you got here, we should get going" he replied, giving me a kiss gently.

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