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We got our bags out of the RV and headed inside. The cabin was huge, two floors with a swimming pool and a big living room. "There's only 4 bedrooms so I shotgun staying with maya" Lucas said once we got inside

"What! No I wanna stay with Riley" I reply, Riley nodding "Well too bad, she's with Farkle" Lucas smirked. Zay, Isadora, Sofia and Zach already went up to find their rooms. I sighed in annoyance "can you take my bag up the stairs..I'm really not feeling to good" I say quietly to Lucas, a small pout on my face

"No lazy bitch take your own shit" He replied. I looked at him again with puppy dog eyes, he sighed "okay fine" he said. I smiled, going up the stairs with him behind carrying our stuff. Once we got to the room I layed across the double bed, a smile on my face for finally being comfy after sitting on a bus for a few hours

"You don't really feel sick do you?" He questioned "no I'm good" I laughed. I turned to look at him, he was watching me lie on the bed, a small smile on his face. "what?" I question sitting up "..nothing.." he mumbled, jumping on top of me

I layed back down from the impact of him, not really having a choice to stay sitting up. He laid his head just above my boobs as if they were a pillow, the rest of his body half on me and half not "the fuck are you doing" I say "making you feel uncomfortable" he replied, I can feel the smirk growing on his face

"Consider me uncomfortable" I manage to get out, sliding out from under him "we're going swimming" Riley said, peeping her head through the door "are you gonna come?" She asked, I shook my head no "not today, I will tomorrow. Promise" I smile. Riley smiles too, disappearing back into the hallway

"That's the longest you've sat in a room and not said a sexual joke..or even anything" I turn back to Lucas who was watching the interaction from lying on the bed. He smiled "why aren't you getting in?" He asked. I shrugged my shoulders, walking round to the window where there was a view of the pool "Just not in the mood I guess" I reply

"Are you?" I ask, turning back to him "I gotta go food shopping. Gotta feed these kids somehow" he jokes, I give him a small smile, not showing any teeth as if that was my way of laughing "..do you...do you wanna come?" He asked. I furrowed my eyebrows "why are you being so nice? What do you want?" I ask

"Nothing. I just want to have a good holiday" he replied. I stood there for a few minutes "fine let's go" I say, exiting the bedroom. He gets up behind me, grabbing the keys to a car that I assume his family leaves here, letting the others know we're going out.

The drive to the supermarket was only 5 minutes, we sat in silence the whole way there. Once we got out the car, we walked toward the front doors when he swung his arm around my shoulder, pulling my other shoulder close into him "look at this! Our first supermarket date together" he said all cutesy

"This isn't a date" I replied in a monotone voice. He got the trolley, pushing it in front of him "what do you need to get?" I ask "I dunno. Shit for dinner I guess" he replied.

We continued aimlessly walking around the supermarket, throwing things in the trolley that we will need. By now I was pushing the trolley, he picked up a bag of chips throwing it into the trolley from a few metres away as if he was playing basketball

He picked up another bag, throwing it again. This time he threw it at me, hitting me right in the head. I shot a glare at him, he burst into laughter "you're so annoying" I state, pushing the trolley past him. He caught up to me with a few more things to put in

"Lucas you're gonna have to push it" I tell him, as it's now getting to heavy for me to turn it round corners "awww are you too little to push it" he said in a baby voice. I rolled my eyes, letting go of it so he can push it

Soon enough the food shopping was done and he loaded it into the car. "This is gonna be fun. You and me. Me and you" he said once he got in the car "there is no me and you" I retorted. "Yet" he smirked "Lucas I would never go out with you" I tell him

"Why?" He asked curiously "because I'm not bait. I'm not someone you can use to have sex with and then get bored off" I tell him. Lucas pulls up into the driveway "You've been around longer then anyone else has Maya" he stated, getting out of the car.

I sat there for a few moments unsure of what he meant by that. I opened the door, closing it behind me and taking some of the bags inside with me "there's the lovebirds. You guys were gone ages" Zay smirked when we walked through the door

I looked behind me, seeing Lucas was standing there "we're not lovers" I spat. As if I'd ever love Lucas??

And I, You Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum