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"So are you gonna tell me what was going on last night or are we gonna pretend it didn't happen?" Riley asked at lunch the next day, I turned to her confused, "nothing happened? What do you mean?" I ask

"Lucas carrying you around, you laughing your head off" she smirked "Farkle" I growl "you seemed to be having fun" she replied. "I told him I hated him and he told me to loose the attitude" I shrugged "he's still an ass" I added "So is Farkle but it's kinda funny" she said

I contemplated for a few seconds "I guess..except it's also rude as. Do you even know how many times Lucas has referred to me being a woman in the kitchen?" I question. Riley makes a gasping sound, "Farkle literally said the same thing to me!"

"Are we sure about going away with them? I mean I'd rather not" I tell her "according to my parents, I 'have to get out more' so they seem pretty keen on me going" Riley replied. "Well then I'm going to make you come to those party's with me! I'm not gonna let you refuse to go anymore" I laugh

Later that night Riley and I FaceTimed, figuring we have to pack the right clothes for going away with them for a week "don't bring anything too slutty if you want to avoid Lucas saying something" Riley tells me "you don't need to tell me riles, trust me. Sweats will do just fine" I laugh. Of course I'm not wearing slutty things around him

" do you think they'll be nice to us?" Riley asks, sitting down in front of the camera "No of course not. I reckon they are going to say every bad name they possibly can" I reply. Riley shakes her head, "No. not Lucas and Farkle, I mean the others" she said

I shrug "maybe. Who really cares though, if they're rude then be rude back. You know you always got my support and Farkle seems pretty keen on you too. And you know Lucas, he loves a bit of drama, I'm sure he'll egg it on" I comfort her, not very well but hey it's better then nothing.

"Your right" she replied. Riley's call got cut off by another incoming call "Riles I gotta go, can I call you back?" I ask "yeah go" she said nonchalantly. I picked up the phone, bringing it closer to my ear "Hello?" I ask

"Maya? It's Zoe!" the little 7 year old bursted loudly "what's up?" I ask curiously "my mommy is baking a cake for work and she keeps messing it up but she's refusing to have help and now she's all run out of eggs and flour. Can you come and help?" Zoe asked. I checked the time, 5:40pm

"Uh yea sure I'll be there in a few minutes" I reply, hanging up. I sigh, now I have to put clothes on. I change out of my pyjamas which I put on the moment I get home, into something more suitable. I got to the subway, waited a few minutes then got to Julia's stop.

On the way I stopped in the mini corner shop, picking up the flour and eggs she will need then headed to their house. I knocked on the door, Zoe answered instantly grabbing my hand and pulling me through to the kitchen.

The kitchen was covered in flour, sticky cake mix spread out almost everywhere and a mix of sprinkles, chocolate chips and egg shells managed to end up in almost every free space "Oh Maya! What are you doing here?" Julia asked kindly, rubbing some flour off of her face

"I brought eggs and flour" I said, holding up the little plastic bag "did Zoe call you?" She asked, I nodded with a laugh, placing down the bag beside me. "What's gone wrong?" I ask "I don't know! Ive done the whole recipe twice and it comes out a whole mess" Julia replied, referencing to the cakes beside her that were a total fail

I read over the recipe and her ingredients "you've used baking Soda, not baking powder" I inform her, picking up the tub labeled 'baking soda' "what's the difference?" She questioned. "They're two different things I say, pulling the baking powder tub out of the cupboard of ingredients

We all laughed before remaking the cake. This time we used the right ingredients. I poured the batter into the cake tin, sliding it into the oven to let it cook "let me help clean up" I tell her, getting the broom from the cupboard and sweeping up the floor

Keys from the door jiggle, and in comes Lucas smelling like cigarette smoke again. Julia sighed "do you have to smoke all the time?" She questioned "its the only way I can stand being around you all" he replied unphased "why are you here? Don't you have a house to live in?" He questioned turning his attention to me

"I'm helping out your family, something you clearly aren't able to do" I reply, a soft chuckle coming from Julia "well it makes sense, Ladies in the kitchen" Lucas replied, his hands showing a '🤷‍♀️' position. I shove my hand in the bag of flour, throwing a handful at him

The flour platters right over his face and down half his body "learn some manners" I tell him "mom are you seriously gonna let her do this?" He strops, gesturing to himself being covered in flour "yes. Yes I am" she replied with an obvious face.

"The cake will be done in about 10 minutes. I should get going, it was nice seeing you two" I say to Julia, giving her and Zoe a hug and then pushing past Lucas. He Followed me out to the door, rolling my eyes once I heard his footsteps close behind me "I'm gonna have to put you in your place when we fuck" He said lowly so his mom couldn't hear

"Lucas, Lucas, Lucas. Do I act like one of those useless whores you go for? No. I have self respect. Something you lack" I spat, opening the door and closing it behind me

"This is going to be one long ass fucking week" I mumble to myself once I had left the driveway. A whole week with Satan and his followers.

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